Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Charity Points

Points for work done equates to shopping discounts
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Whilst walking down the main shopping center of my little burgh i noticed that each and every charity shop had in its window a sign up requesting help throughout the week. Apparently, not enough people are willing to give up their time in order to help out good causes such as fresh drinking water for africa, leprosy relief in south america, and children in eastern europe. So what is the solution to this lack of volunteers?

I believe we live in the "what's in it for me?" era, and so i think an incentive should be offered. The charities would give out points according to how much time is donated, and in accordance with the quality of the time (i.e. an hour lifting heavy boxen is worth more than an hour manning a desk in an empty shop.) The points gained is translated into money off purchases at a range of shops.

The incentive for the company is increased business and increased profit.
The incentive for you is discounts and a swish looking plastic card.

Some may say that charity is its own reward, however, if that were true, there wouldn't be these signs in my main street.

Knut, Jun 03 2004

A Charity Shop http://www.alzheime...es/BrightonShop.jpg
This ones for Alzheimers [Knut, Oct 04 2004]

Another Charity Shop http://www.ageconce...ops/cirencester.jpg
And this ones for Age Concern [Knut, Oct 04 2004]

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       Charity should pay you a regular wage and you donate it back directly. That way, you get a tax credit on whatever is the difference between the tax rate and the total value of your time.
FloridaManatee, Jun 03 2004

       I like [FloridaManatee]'s idea, but I hate this one. (Shopping Discounts are dumb. If you want to offer me money, offer me money, don't give me a mix of money and advertising.)
jutta, Jun 03 2004

       yes i like [FloridaManatee]'s idea better as well, but i do like the idea from [Knut] that the compensation for hours donated should correlate with the arduousness of the task. it would be an incentive to get more people to tackle more demanding tasks e.g. hauling sandbags vs. doing an awareness walk.
xclamp, Jun 03 2004

       "Shopping Discounts are dumb."
So don't use them. Presumably you're providing your time out of the goodness of your heart rather than in exchange for renumeration. Any goodies you get for doing charitable work should be considered icing on the cake, otherwise it's just another job.

       That said, I'd be surprised if this weren't baked.
phoenix, Jun 03 2004


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