Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Cathartic Antidepressant

to treat mild but persistent depression
  (+8, -30)(+8, -30)(+8, -30)
(+8, -30)
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A drug that will induce intense feelings of melancholy, desperation, and grief. The drug wears off after 2 hours, leaving the patient feeling paradoxically refreshed and at peace.
kinemojo, Feb 21 2008

MAOI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maoi
It'll be in the drinking water any day now ... [8th of 7, Jul 21 2010]

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       Please delete this.
RayfordSteele, Feb 21 2008

       <Gives [gutpunchllulabies] a friendly nod and moves in behind [RafordSteele]>
zeno, Feb 21 2008

Noexit, Feb 22 2008

       This is a phenomenally stupid idea.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 22 2008

       [kinemojo], the point here is that any society that has an institution such as this is a sick society.
zeno, Feb 27 2008

       Apparently a sense of humour has left the room.   

       Why not televise it? Allow spectator betting? A no-holds-barred version where they are locked in a room for three days and all the pills MUST be eaten?
Dilettante, Feb 28 2008

       Even the addition of jam and bees won't help this one.
wagster, Feb 29 2008

       //3019 or 3020: Arwen and Aragorn marry in Midsummer. They reign for many years and he dies in the 102nd year of his reign and 190th year of his life.\\   

       Did a quick search and this is all I came up with. Aragorn decides to die and dies by the power of his will, stops his heart and breath with willpower.
zeno, Mar 01 2008

       //[marked-for-deletion] utter bullocks// Hahahah.
gabrielsnew, Mar 02 2008

       SSREs don't work like this though.
kinemojo, Jul 21 2010

       Sp. "SSRI".   

       <gratuitous irony in poor taste>   

       How about a party where you serve cheese, red wine, and MAOI's ? Leave bowls of razor blades and prescription sedatives around the room, and make sure the party takes place on the top floor of a tall building with balconies.   

       </gratuitous irony in poor taste>   

8th of 7, Jul 21 2010

       I thought this might be cathartic in the original sense of purgative.
bungston, Jul 21 2010

       Hey, I ain't gonna have no doctor shove a tube up my peehole, and it's certainly not likely to cheer me up.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 21 2010

       Purgatory...who said anything about going to hell?
blissmiss, Jul 21 2010


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