Few (any?) countries still back up their currency with real goods; likewise coinage is made increasingly of pot metal with no physical intrinsic value. The result of this global circle-jerk is non-reversible inflation and mounting debt/poverty levels that follow. "A chicken in every pot" can always
be a promise kept if you occasionally redefine both "chicken" and "pot".
Rant aside, this idea is to make cash worth something: intrinsic mentally if not physically.
Print or stamp, as appropriate, a variety of educational facts, figures and concepts onto series' of everyday coinage & currency. Generally speaking, coins would be used for elementary and short concepts, while paper money could convey the more lengthy and complex ones.
One side of each denomination would still display the official symbollage: bird of prey, famous dictator, dancing backhoes, hot & cold running holograms, whatever; the obverse side would feature a wide variety of knowledge: snippets that make up everyday life: "2x2=4" "He: Helium At.Wt 4.x", a brief history of Zimbawbwe, the electoral processes explained, et cetera.
Examples of coinage:
• 1c: multiplication table cells; values for pi, e, Avogrado's number, etc., with each successive decimal place stamped in a smaller and smaller font
• 5c: Table of the Elements cells; measurement units definition and conversion factors
• 10c: (basic) physics and chemistry formulae,
• 25c: trigonometric formulae; biological genii classification system
• 50c: Dinosaurs
• 1$: <country> historical figures
• 2$: folk wisdom snippets short enough to fit on a large coin.
...and paper currency:
• $1: grammar, dictionary cells; <country> states/provinces/fiefdoms
• $2: basic philosophical constructs; world geography; log tables
• $5: Historical events, elementary logic
• $10: Biographies; engineering formulas reference
• $20: paid advertising
• $50: <country> political system
And for economists worrying about hoarding for knowedge's sake, consider that for a measly few tens of thousands of dollars a person can collect the information found in a couple hundred dollars worth of readily available textbooks.
(I am entirely unsatisfied with the Title: suggestions appreciated)