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COping with Bees

Hive eliminator in stud wall: humane, non-toxic, no residue
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A hopper is installed over a screened hole as high on the stud wall as possible, or a slow-speed fan delivery may be used. Dry ice is allowed to sublimate and flow into the space between two studs where the hive is located. A screened relief hole, preferably exterior, is located as low in the stud space as practicable and sealed for now. As the cooling and oxygen deprivation start to slow the activity, the natural entrance to the hive is sealed. Stay clear. Allow the CO2 to fill the space, replenishing as needed, until activity has ceased in the wall. Immature bees still in their cells will continue to emerge unless CO2 is replenished over some days after the live bees have expired. Remnant exterior bees will attempt to find a way into the hive for some time.
minoradjustments, Aug 28 2016


       Can't, can't we just use the CO2 to make them dormant and then move them?   

       We like bees.
Bees are good.

       This is good in that the bees would not get riled up. They would drift gently to sleep. Good too in that CO2 will not damage components in the wall. Less good in that the wall space may be large and it could be difficult to achieve the needed concentration of CO2.
bungston, Aug 28 2016

       Yesterday, for fun, I threw a few pellets of dry ice into a wasps' nest - it was a hole-in-the-ground nest. The little fuckers actually waited until the pellets had shrunk down to a manageable size, then pushed them back out.   

       Wasps are fair game. Bees not so much, but I guess there's a limit to human tolerance.   

       However, if the problem persists you could always replace part of the drywall with glass, and enjoy watching your personal bee colony.
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 28 2016

       // a few pellets of dry ice ..... there's a limit to human tolerance //   

       But fortuitously, there's no limit to human intolerance - especially when directed towards yellow-and-black stinging insects.   

       Dry ice is little more than a signifier of future action. Hexane is much more useful, or any number of cyanide compounds. Carbon disulphide has much to recommend it; phosphorous also has beneficial effects, if a solid is preferred. However, liquid oxygen remains a favourite, as it allows the evil little buggers to be burnt and frozen simultaneously, a most satisfactory outcome.
8th of 7, Aug 28 2016

       I might try liquid nitrogen, which should have a variety of effects. Of course, given its tendency to boil quite violently, the result might just be a sudden volcano of cold, breathless, pissed-off wasps.
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 28 2016

       Phosphorous what?
notexactly, Aug 28 2016

       Just regular white phosphorous, the stuff out of a WP grenade. Produces a very satisfactory (and corrosive) "smoke" of phosphorous pentoxide. Doesn't half make 'em buzz (for their last few seconds of life).
8th of 7, Aug 28 2016

       ...and when the last jar of honey goes up for auction..."Do I hear one million?"
not_morrison_rm, Aug 28 2016

       Phosphorous is an adjective. Phosphorus is a noun.
notexactly, Aug 28 2016


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