Dimmer switches for lamps are Baked and WKTE.
They allow lamp intensity to be modulated from 0 to 100%.
This is good as far as it goes, but limited, in that the intensity can never be greater than that available via a simple direct connection to the electrical supply.
This is obviously unsatisfactory.
is at hand, however. Simply order the new BorgCo Lamp Brightener.
The unit allows the lamp brightness to be varied from 0 to 100% just like a conventional dimmer. However, thanks to the innovative electronics, lovingly assembled by underfed sub-teenage slave labour* in a far away country, the integral switcher/wave shaper can go "the extra mile", supplying a modifed AC supply waveform, at a rather higher peak and RMS voltage than "plain" mains electricity, causing the lamp to shine more brightly. Quite a lot more brightly, as it happens.
Admittedly, the system, while meeting or exceeding the design specifications in every respect, does support the validity of the old adage, "The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long". Or maybe a bit less than half. In fact, often quite a lot less.
If purchasing on the BorgCo website, why not consider some items from our extensive range of complementary products ? We specially recommend our carefully chosen selection of replacement electric lamps ...
*There is, however, no need for concern; quality standards are rigorously enforced.