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Breakfast improving toothpaste

Gingivitis is linked to half of strokes as well as heart disease, so make a toothpaste that makes breakfast actually taste better Cheese oil with wonderberry concentrate or antibiotic sweetness peptides are applicable technologies
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a really iffy Costco magazine reference says gingivitis is linked, possibly causally, to much of heart disease. Thus making a toothpaste that causes food to taste better at breakfast would encourage brushing, actually save lives while improving flavor. My perception is that mint makes many foods taste bland or repellent.

I think I read that cheese reduces cavities, so it is possible that cheese oil or possibly some cheese protein would further reduce gingivitis. Also the famed wonderberry that makes everything else taste better about 1/2 an hour later could become the famed liposomal wonderberry concentrate that makes everytrhing taste better 5 or 10 minutes later.

Also, there are large number of antibiotic peptides, that is naturally producible amino acid sequences. these could be size modified to stay on the mouth side of the mucosa as well as be instantly digestable. Possible sweet variants of these like thamatin linked to a peptide antibiotic would be delicious mouth only antibiotics

Thus the cheese oil liposomal wonderberry toothpaste improves breakfast while saving lives!

beanangel, May 01 2013

Costco says webmd says gingivitis is linked to half of cardiovascular disease http://www.costcoco...nection/201302#pg66
[beanangel, May 01 2013]

Metaanalysis suggests 20 to 34 pct of CHD is linked to gingivitis http://www.ncbi.nlm...gov/pubmed/19322227
[beanangel, May 01 2013]

an article about hundreds of peptide antibiotics http://www.ncbi.nlm.../articles/PMC89271/
[beanangel, May 01 2013]

webmd casually, without references, says there are gum disease genes http://www.webmd.co...ntal-disease?page=2
"those who are genetically predisposed may be up to six times more likely to develop some form of gum disease" [beanangel, May 01 2013]

people talking about a study that says there is no effect http://www.longecit...alysis/#entry584116
with contrasting studies there is the suggestion that reducing gingivitis at part of a group of people then seeing if that has any beneficial effect [beanangel, May 03 2013]

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       //My perception is that mint makes many foods taste bland or repellent.//   

       I actually agree that mint is a horrid flavor that ruins everything it's put in, but the actual reason toothpaste makes food taste bad is not the mint, but rather the sodium lauryl sulfate that is used as a detergent and to create a lather. One of the side effects of this chemical is to temporarily reduce the ability to taste sweetness.
ytk, May 01 2013

       Let's take this point by point.   

       First: //Gingivitis is linked to half of strokes as well as heart disease,//   

       Meaning what? Is it:
(a) Gingivitis causes half of all strokes?
(b) Half of all stroke victims have gingivitis?
(c) Half of all people currently experiencing gingivitis will have strokes in the same period?
(d) Half of all people who have ever had gingivitis will have strokes at some point?
(e) Strokes cause half of all gingivitis?
(f) Costco wants to sell dental products to frightened old people?
(g) Half of all strokes occur in countries where gingivitis is prevalent?
(h) Half of all gingivitis occurs in countries where strokes are prevalent?
(i) Half of the population is susceptible to both strokes and gingivitis?
(j) a+b?
(k) a+c?
(l) a+d?
(m) ...

       Second: //I think I read that...//
Meaning what? Is it:
(a) You think that you read...?
(b) You definitely read something that you think said...?
(c) a+b ?

       Moving on: //cheese reduces cavities//
Is it that:
(a) Eating cheese reduces the dental damage that is caused by starchy foods?
(b) Eating cheese instead of starchy foods reduces dental damage?
(c) Eating cheese enhances teeths' self-repair capabilities?
(d) a+b?
(e) a+c?
(f) b+c?
(g) a+b+c?
(h) a+d?

       In short, there really is a great deal of work to do here. You may also be interested to know that I think I read that "wonderberry" contains a glycoside which has been linked to breast cancer, which is sure to dampen even the happylongest breakfasty spirit.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 01 2013


       " I think I read that cheese reduces cavities "
normzone, May 01 2013

       [ytk] that is awesome It strongly suggests that reformulating toothpaste with some light liquid lecithin component could emulsify plaque just as well, while being ever so slightly beneficial. Things like phosphatidyl choline or phosphatidyl serine are nootropics.   

       [mb] if it weren't for the link to a metaanalysis Id be doing something virtuous like learning mathematica. Less than gracefully leaving it to others, I have just let some math experts tally up some physiology experts, then believed they might be right.   

       There is another research opportunity, apparently gum disease is linked to specific gene variants which cause six times greater risk of gum disease. finding those genes link to CHD would provide a list of genes to make sure you had the longevity version of
beanangel, May 01 2013

       // gum disease is linked to specific gene variants which cause six times greater risk of gum disease//   

       So, gum disease is linked to genes that cause six times greater risk of gum disease?   

       I strongly suspect that the epidemiology here is in what lawyers refer to as "status bollockus". However, when it comes to the genetic association, I am sure of it.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 01 2013

       hmm. I think you are being comic. genes that cause saliva to have more sugar are easy to imagine, as are genes that produce different amount of tissue vascularization. a person with both would have lots of oral plaque, risk of diabetes, as well as slightly different blood circulation at the gums. If I said "diabetes genetics are linked to CHD" the yawning would be loud, yet these same genes could easily cause high sugar saliva. The novel thing here though is that some new nondiabetic possibly unidentified genes might be linked to CHD   

       this being the .5b though I think we should technologize the solution. xylitol candy with cheese oil before sleeping might reduce gingivitis.
beanangel, May 01 2013

       Yes, except that xylitol causes diahrhrohhea, which leads to (a) dehydration, which has been linked to both cataracts and stroke and (b) reduced levels of B-vitamins, which has been linked to a very great many things.   

       Remember, [beany]: filter, filter, filter. If not on the way in, then at least on the way out.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 01 2013

       actually I was thinking they could make a treat that really tasted pleasant like candy, that purposefully clings to the sides of ones mouth, that had trace amounts of xylitol, to produce the beneficial effect, as well as sweetness peptides, some of which are 100,000 times sweeter than sugar, to keep it tasting delicious along with this mysterious cheese lipid. that way it would taste awesome while preventing cavities as well as gingivitis yet have long lasting flavor. The candy shaped candy seemed risky to fall asleep with. I certainly think a multihour medically beneficial delicious mouthgoop is possible though   

       improving this further is fresh breath with cyclodextrins cyclodextrins are circular dextrin polymers of the right shape that other molecules glom at their centers They cause febreze to actually glom then sequester scents being made of dextrin polymer they are likely edible, so they linger there freshening breath all night n morning even though the mouth has flavor goop
beanangel, May 02 2013

       //multihour medically beneficial delicious mouthgoop//   

       With a name like that, it'll practically market itself.
ytk, May 02 2013

       Brush teeth via applying a layer of //mouthgoop// onto a toothbrush from a tube of Primula cheese spread.   

       "Mmm..chives, ham, and prawns"
skinflaps, May 02 2013

       Fennel or licorice. The toothpaste i make, which is for children in theory (my home town), is flavoured with liquorice to make it sweet, cause hypertension and so on.
nineteenthly, May 04 2013


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