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Brain fracking

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Hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" is the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into the ground to release natural resources such as petroleum for collection.

Similarly, brains contain a rich supply of great ideas, but they are hard to extract because they are trapped in seams of useless material such as "feasibility", "sanity" and "avoidance of ridicule".

So the next time you describe a HB idea to someone and they give you that familiar querulous/irritated face, immediately jump them and squirt a brain-frack concoction up their nasal cavity.

Further experimentation is needed to perfect the formula, but a mixture of Outsidethebox, Lightenthef___up and Nothingbettertodo has shown success in initial trials. Actually anything works if you throw some peyote in.

oscil8, May 12 2012

Look for Noise Level. If you've never read it, try to find it, it's worth it http://www.sf-encyc...try/jones_raymond_f
[theircompetitor, Mar 27 2014]

Brain plasticity drug research interview http://onpoint.wbur...icity-perfect-pitch
[FlyingToaster, Mar 27 2014]


       [-] baked: there's a chemical that reduces the brain to an infantile state regarding preconception or something like that: possible uses include treating addictions; can't remember what it's called offhand though.
FlyingToaster, May 12 2012

Alterother, May 13 2012

       Cerebral DCS hit?
normzone, May 13 2012

       meh, can't find or remember enough relevant keywords to dig it up: I came across a pop-sci'ish article and thought it could be used as a treatment for strabismus: by making the brain forget or deemphasize the ingrained coping mechanism that allows the eyes to remain unsync'd without confusion, there could be another chance at getting them to synchronise.
FlyingToaster, May 13 2012

       Naw naw, you just have to remember how you thought when you were three... while holding the glimmer of a notion in your head.   

       I don't think that peyote would agree with my delicate constitution.   

nineteenthly, May 13 2012


       Isn't that a form of the familiar Nigerian scam? Along with YorubaProfitte and HausaRakeOffe?
pertinax, May 13 2012

       I don't think it was Ibogaine, but since the source was online newspaper(s) with the usual optimistic hype, who knows.
FlyingToaster, May 13 2012

       Rogaine, perhaps.
Alterother, May 13 2012

       mebbe: I do hold to the 'tonsorial theory of evolution'.
FlyingToaster, May 13 2012

       You mean 'survival of the hairiest'?
Alterother, May 13 2012

       Sorta: man's brain had to be more developed, to deal with hair that gets caught on branches, grows over the eyes, etc. The hair-tie was actually the first tool or at least right up there with "piece of rock" and "stick".
FlyingToaster, May 13 2012

       any seven random words strung together.   


       Any six random words strung together.
popbottle, Mar 26 2014

       //        any seven random words strung together //   

       Comprise 42% of a haiku?
Alterother, Mar 26 2014

       //there's a chemical that reduces the brain to an infantile state regarding preconception or something like that: possible uses include treating addictions; can't remember what it's called offhand though//   

Ling, Mar 26 2014

       ^ <link>ed an interview with somebody who's doing research with valproic acid. It's not the original article I read (which was a year or two previous to this posting), but it's in the ballpark.
FlyingToaster, Mar 27 2014


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