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Brain computer interface

Quantum linked photons can communicate data without an optical path such as a reflection. Beam them into the brain, then modulate their twins to produce microstructured patterns at depth in the brain.
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There is a system [link] where you can image something without reflection from the object. Photons strike a statue and then their quantum linked pair photon activates a computer camera. So you could send photons at depth (say into a body) and image the interior without a retroreflective pathway back out through the tissue

New scientist says: statue<------------- |\|-------------->computer camera

This version "statue" ------------[\]--------------->shaped energy to brain

So shine this one way light to make images of the brain, better yet, send a sufficient power of photons to affect the neurons in the brain. This should be possible at some dose, and although the .5b frowns upon genetic engineering neurons genetically engineered to be responsive to photons (with opsins) have been created [link] So you beam light at regular neurons or opsonized neurons and then Pattern the absorbability with a custom "statue" shape thus addressing the neurons (or brain voxels)

translation: You beam lasers into a brain, and they are preferentially absorbed where an exterior form shapes their absorbability. This gives the ability to do brain stimulation, possibly at depth, without electrodes.

beanangel, Jan 09 2018

neurons genetically engineered with opsin protein to respond to light https://www.ncbi.nl...rticles/PMC4756725/
[beanangel, Jan 09 2018]

New scientist "quantum camera snaps objects it cannot see" https://www.newscie...ects-it-cannot-see/
[beanangel, Jan 09 2018]

Firefox https://en.wikipedi...wiki/Firefox_(film)
A thought-controlled fighter-aircraft from the 1980's, only works if you think in Russian. [zen_tom, Jan 10 2018]

using photons to image mouse brains at neuron level https://www.ncbi.nl...gov/pubmed/28553965
With a headpiece weighing 2.15 g and a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber delivering 920-nm femtosecond laser pulses, the FHIRM-TPM is capable of imaging commonly used biosensors (GFP and GCaMP6) at high spatiotemporal resolution (0.64 &#956;m laterally and 3.35 &#956;m axially, 40 Hz at 256 × 256 pixels for raster scanning and 10,000 Hz for free-line scanning). We demonstrate the microscope's robustness with hour-long recordings of neuronal activities at the level of spines in mice experiencing vigorous body movements. [beanangel, Jan 10 2018]

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8th of 7, Jan 09 2018

       Not Y.A.W.N. ! Yet Another Waste of Net-space Or is it Young And Wealthy Nudist?
beanangel, Jan 09 2018

       I don't know enough about synaptic activity to tell whether this would work or not, but it did remind me of an 1980's imagining of a brain-machine interface from the Clint Eastwood film, Firefox that featured a brain-reading Mig that responded to Russian-language'd thoughts. [link]
zen_tom, Jan 10 2018

       There is another version of this where the quantum linked photons are emitted by a satellite than scan the surface of the earth and a space based camera looks at the images, all without an optical return path. It is used to see through clouds. It might just be a design rather than a built though.
beanangel, Jan 10 2018

       If this works, perhaps it could also be used to allow communication between the brain and the mouth?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 10 2018

       //You beam lasers into a brain,//   

       You beam lasers a few hundred microns into the surface of the brain.
bs0u0155, Jan 10 2018

       Clearly, then, you need a much more big laser.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 10 2018

       //Clearly, then, you need a much more big laser.//   

       gigawatt should be enough. I mean, granted, it's power is only so mighty because it's energy is delivered in femtosecond pulses, but you can't argue with the headline figures.
bs0u0155, Jan 10 2018

       The published imaging is better than I thought. At a wearable device they can see green fluorescent protein in the neurons of mice at 3.35 micrometer resolution where they look at spines on the neurons. [link]   

       The little mice are able to roam about wearing a scanner headset; "We demonstrate the microscope's robustness with hour-long recordings of neuronal activities at the level of spines in mice experiencing vigorous body movements"   

       so engineer the human brain to make color coded neurons (GFP etc) then locate particular neurons spatially then a femtosecond later use that location information to send a bunch of form (statue) shaped quantum linked photons to the same location, apparently down to the neuron.   

       Now this neuron spine level imaging on moving mice (*presumably* with intact skulls) is very favorable, but another search result says the spatial resolution is 1.6 to 4 millimeters.
beanangel, Jan 10 2018

       I think therefore ion. Quite proud of that one - dances around room waving large inflatable centipede toy in triumph. As for the idea..... yawns.....zzzzzzzz. Wakes up to idea of a sink full of pink dishwater comtaining dozens of gray cups and saucers.
xenzag, Jan 10 2018

       "Idea" may be a bit of an overstatement there.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 10 2018

       Just to improve things a little, I read the hemoglobin is the main absorber of photons. That suggests that replacing the blood with a fluorocarbon could improve the optical resolution. I think this is fairly harmless at rodents and might be at people, at least for a little while.
beanangel, Jan 10 2018

       //a brain-reading Mig//   

       How did they pivot from that to a web browser?
pertinax, Jan 10 2018

       Subjective encoding might still be a sticking point.
wjt, Jan 13 2018

       // You don’t remember the browser wars? //   

       Of course he doesn't, he was far too young, and Tatooine was a long way from all the action.
8th of 7, Jan 13 2018

       You lost me at // neurons genetically engineered to be responsive to photons//
Voice, Jan 16 2018

       [voice] Optogenetics is an area of active research.   

       The link says " optogenetics, a recently developed technology that can be used to control the activity of genetically-defined neurons with light. Cells are first genetically engineered to express a light-sensitive opsin, which is typically an ion channel, pump, or G protein–coupled receptor. When engineered cells are then illuminated with light of the correct frequency, opsin-bound retinal undergoes a conformational change that leads to channel opening or pump activation, cell depolarization or hyperpolarization, and neural activation or silencing"
beanangel, Jan 16 2018


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