Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Bouncy Fractal Coat Rack

for a person who wears many coats
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The material could be density faded with 3d printing or just use tapered springs.

This was supposed to be Fractal Hat Rack for the person who wears many hats, but I couldn't find the category. Coat rack is... ok I guess.

JesusHChrist, Nov 24 2016

"infomercial coat hanger" image search http://1.bp.blogspo...onderHangerlong.JPG
[beanangel, Nov 28 2016]

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       could you describe this more visually? Is it like a fern triangle, or um, sort of like the link?
beanangel, Nov 28 2016


FlyingToaster, Nov 28 2016

       I like the idea of a bouncy 3d fractal using tapered springs. One could adjust desired bounce by altering the 3d profile of the spring - flat being bounciest and polygonal less bouncy. Envisioning 3d objects is not my strong suit but I can imagine a 3d fractal which looked like it was continuously unfolding by rotating various components along different axes.   

       Less sure about hanging coats on it. Maybe small moss-filled flowerpots with orchids and other aerophyte plants, carried along for the ride.
bungston, Nov 29 2016

       Think what would happen if you tapered an iron spring from 4 inches thick to millimeters thick over 12 inches in a mathematically derived shape. You would have a gyroscope that stores energy and can impart that energy back to the system incrementally with each stroke of the bendy wing the spring is attached to.
JesusHChrist, Nov 29 2016

       Think what would happen if you tapered an iron spring from 4 inches thick to millimeters thick over 12 inches in a mathematically derived shape. You would have a powerful gyroscope that stores energy and can impart that energy back to the system incrementally with each stroke of the bendy wing the spring is attached to.
JesusHChrist, Nov 29 2016

       //You would have a powerful gyroscope //   

       Sadly not. Springs are not gyroscopes. They are not gyroscopic, and they lack gyroscopy. What you would have is a spring, is what you would have.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 29 2016

       You can store energy in a gyroscope and you can store energy in a spring, I dont see a difference besides that one has an axle. Axles are what killed Wilber Wright. He died trying to defend his patent on propulsive undulation which is the way that all life moves -- masked as a steering mechanism -- from Alexander Ghrahm Bell's introduction of articulation into the wing in the form of reintroducing our historical mistake of inventing the wheel, into the wing, which created World War 1 and 2 and all the rest of the horror of the 20th Century. I think this time we should know better than to introduce unneccesary motors into these technologies. These flapping machines should go directly toward human powered flapping flight not by way of powered drones, if we want a peaceful transition to the infusion of intelligence into all matter.
JesusHChrist, Nov 29 2016

       //You can store energy in a gyroscope and you can store energy in a spring//   

       *sigh* so, when you say "gyroscope", you mean "flywheel"? [JHC] if you're going to spew your drug-induced incoherent ramblings all over the internet, at least make sure they''re coherent incoherent ramblings. And get either help or a late-night show. Or a translator.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 29 2016

       Thank you for correcting me MB, I I'll use the term fly wheel from now on.
JesusHChrist, Nov 29 2016

       Happy to be of service.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 29 2016


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