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A novel mode of locomotion for all terrain
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This is a “snake” robot that is capable of movement in many ways that a real snake cannot. This robotic snake does the usual snake things like slithering and sidewinding, smoothly gliding through grass and obstacles, negotiating pipes, branches, etc. It also rolls around its long axis to climb trees (link).

Bouncing off the Australian legendary Hoop Snake the novel locomotion mode is that it can gather itself into an open helix of 5 or 6 turns, bend in the direction it wants to go, and start to roll that way. As it gains speed it reduces the number of coils and consequently increases the diameter of the remaining turns, leaning forward all the time, picking up speed. As the coils are reduced to only one, like the worm Ouroboros, it grabs its tail, still leaning forward and picking up great speed and maneuverability.

This helical coiling allows the BoaDestructor to negotiate irregular surfaces, even rocky talus slopes, sand, and supports some actual climbing. The BD is a very difficult target. Coverings for the articulated body segments suited to the mission prevent foreign matter from interfering. Segments with explosives or sensors can be released anywhere along its travel. The camouflaged BD can burrow under leaf cover or loose dirt, or lay dead in an animal burrow until needed. A marine version will seek out an anchored or moored vessel and attack upward when triggered. Cluster munitions can drop large numbers over an area and set the BDs to converge on a target. Targeted assassinations can be accomplished by the smartest BDs.

There is no back and front; the sensor suite can be part of any segment, as can an explosive or nav package. Once the BD has dropped off its cargo it stealthily returns to its operator or goes anywhere it’s wanted. It can ‘play dead’ if discovered, shutting down to an undetectable idle, shedding any number of segments sacrificially, and then blowing up at the worst moment.

Do not try to pick up the BoaDestructor! Without the correct ‘safe’ word it will either explode as an FPV or grab you by the throat and make you very unhappy.

minoradjustments, Jan 06 2024

Snake Robots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snakebot
General description; no helical locomotion motion [minoradjustments, Jan 06 2024]

Tree climbing https://youtu.be/8V...si=n7cKV-magQhflX2C
But it still needs an extension cord. [minoradjustments, Jan 06 2024]




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