Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Instead of soap you pour bio-engineered bacteria in your sink that are programmed to eat all leftovers and dirt from your plates and kitchenware
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With all the development going on in bio-engineering this should be possible. Bacteria have always been the Tony Sopranos ( ie waste-managers) of planet earth.

Now we give them their job back. Goodbey soap, hello bacteria.

No more sponges and scrubbing, just put the plates in the sink pour in some B3 (BioBacteriaBishcleaner).

A commercial would go something like:

you hate wasting time scrubbing plates?, you don't want to put evil soap in nature? Let nature take over! B3 ... Be free!

mikrofoon, Jul 18 2010


       Do they scrub the waste out of intestines, too? Better put a neat little 'am i on a dish or halfway down someone's pooper' checker program in there. That is, you don't want to mess with those internal waste/bacteria balances. Unless you do. Maybe you do. Like a diet pill. Clean your dishes and your fat ass all in one!
daseva, Jul 18 2010

       "I see dead people"
8th of 7, Jul 18 2010

       I see dishwashers running a week-long programme.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 18 2010

       You don't need bioengineering for this: just leave the dishes alone and the bacteria will beat a path to your sink.
mouseposture, Jul 18 2010

       As an alternative to bacteria: you could also bio engineer a dog-like animal that licks all your dishes clean. Ofcourse this animal should be autocleaning it's tongue somehow now and then..
mikrofoon, Jul 19 2010

       Slightly disappointed this isn't a new shower gel specifically designed for my armpits...
Jinbish, Jul 19 2010


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