Q. Why do fashion designers wear neutral black?
A. Because they're so over the rainbow.
Well, anyway, a rainbow is essentially a two-dimensional
illusion which can be re-imagined as a three-dimensional
object for the purposes of flying over it, finding bullion
under it or walking across
it to Valhalla.
If you actually built some big goofy under-powered
concentric fluorescent tubes (and swathed them with
translucent plastic mesh to soften the edges) then when
actually flying over you would see red.
This would be because you'd forgotten to specify that the
colours should be staggered.
Imagine Ragnar Shaggy-Legs as a friend of Dorothy.
Imagine that, while she flies over, he looks up, and what he
wants to see is a bridge in which the colours are laid out
side by side; not a flat surface against the sky, but a curved
surface with the same kind of distortion as is used in
advertising logos painted on to stadium grass so that, to
the camera, perspective is canceled and brand-recognition
is maximised.
Of course, the red stripe would have to be on the side
nearest to Ragnar, so as to account for the greater width of
its projection into two dimensions. From Ragnar's
perspective, it must look like a rainbow. From Dorothy's
helicopter it must have equal stripes of all colours but,
because of Ragnar's requirement, it will swell grotesquely
towards the middle to compensate for the greater distance
from the ground, and probably curve upwards at the edges
a bit, too.
Budgetary constraints exclude the leprechaun's bank
This came to me while watching an under-rehearsed
schoolgirl singing.