Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Beat the Meat

Its a bit like buckaroo...
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A game of nerve and skill made from molded plastic, don't let it go off in your hand!
rambling_sid, May 27 2011

meat beater http://en.wikipedia...iki/Meat_tenderizer
[pocmloc, May 27 2011]

Baked http://www.youtube....watch?v=rVogg_0Hhus
[doctorremulac3, May 29 2011]

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       nerves? like a panic attack? oh dear.
po, May 27 2011

       Wrong category - shouldn't this be under Science: Health: Stress Relief: Squeezing? Or have I read it wrong?
Canuck, May 28 2011

nomocrow, May 28 2011

       Wait; is this like a dildo, but in reverse - *you*'re supposed to stimulate *it*?   

       I'd say that would present an interesting technical challenge to the manufacturer, and might be educational for some players.
pertinax, May 29 2011

       @nomocrow. What a helpful,insightful comment or are you telling us you have an erection?
rambling_sid, May 29 2011

       Baked. (See link)
doctorremulac3, May 29 2011

       It means that I think that the idea is not particularly good and that I voted against it.
nomocrow, Jun 01 2011

       Just when I thought I had a full grasp of it, I find out that it's not supposed to go off in your hand.
rcarty, Jun 01 2011


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