Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Banana Art Sale Display

Million dollar bananas displayed taped onto beautiful sculptures.
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The sculptures are not for sale, they're just there to hold the bananas taped to them for sale with bidding starting at $1,000,000.

The curator would walk the prospective buyers around waxing poetic about the bananas named variously "Incognia #7", "V to Z" "Banana #4" etc. When the buyers ask about the beautiful art the bananas are attached to they point out that those are just the display holders. After the bananas have all been sold, the buyers watch in horror as all the beautiful sculptures, paintings etc are put into a shredder and hauled off to the dump.

It's a performance art thing. The artists creating the beautiful art would be fully aware of this would be donating their works for the performance, and they'd get the money from the banana sales.

It would certainly get headlines I'd think.

doctorremulac3, Mar 08 2025

Sculptures like this with a banana taped to its forehead. https://www.pintere...425942077262612320/
[doctorremulac3, Mar 08 2025]

And paintings like this but with the taped banana. https://www.wayfair...936555%2C1117936558
[doctorremulac3, Mar 08 2025]

This on those. https://www.cnn.com...hnk-intl/index.html
[doctorremulac3, Mar 08 2025]

The background display holders go in here https://www.youtube...watch?v=9iyF-zj-3Zo
This shows guitars, but it would be the sculptures and paintings. [doctorremulac3, Mar 08 2025]

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       Hmmm, I always read a new posting, if it is long enough, without looking at who wrote it to see if I can guess the author.
I've gotten pretty good at it over the years.

       I didn't think this was from you.   

       The first thing I like to do is check the category before I read the idea.   

       Sometimes there's good alignment, other times the idea relies on the category choice to work. And then there's Other:General.
normzone, Mar 09 2025

       Who gets the millions fleeced off the gullible buyers? The artists who donate "display holders" I hope.   

       I would donate a "display holder" to this exhibition and sale and I would encourage all my artist friends to as well.   

pocmloc, Mar 09 2025

       Oh yea, the "display holder" creators / destroyers would get the money, should have specified that.   

       And again, this would be performance art with a bit of a statement, like art does sometimes. And it certainly would be controversial which can be a good thing.
doctorremulac3, Mar 09 2025

       I think the white-gloved art-handlers at the sale, ripping the duct tape off of the surfaces of the paintings, would also be a key part of the sale "experience".
pocmloc, Mar 09 2025

       Absolutely, every aspect of it would be a performance.   

       And I like the reaction here, I think the public would react similarly. Some would be "outraged" some would be into it, which is kind of the point.
doctorremulac3, Mar 09 2025


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