Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Sing someone's HB song
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There are songs a plenty about the HB. Find one that you like, record it in your own particular style, and uploading into that internet thingymebob.

Then, post a link to your homage here. There are only two rules - always sing another bakers song rather than your own, and don't deviate from the lyrics of the song you choose.

Sadly, in my haste to get this idea onto the bakery, I recorded one of my own songs but hey, I only made the rules up after so it doesn't count, ok?

Fishrat, Dec 22 2005

Halfbakery Love http://www.wobblemonkey.com/hblove.mp3
Here's my version [Fishrat, Dec 22 2005]

The lyrics Halfbakery_20Love
if you want them. [dbmag9, Dec 22 2005]


       Your rendition is beautiful! More! More! You also broke the rule about not changing the words, but never mind. It was lovely.   

       Do some more please. Have a lovely warm croissant whilst you prepare.
dbmag9, Dec 22 2005

       Okay, you've persuaded me. No more HB for me until the holidays are over.
moomintroll, Dec 22 2005

       great stuff, Fishy.
po, Dec 23 2005


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