You slavedrivers! With 80 ideas posted, it's been a busy week. 266 buns were profferred, with a minority of ideas collecting any of the 49
bones that were handed out. There was no thematic rhyme or reason to the success stories, but you could expect to see ideas that were
mean or crazed (in a somehow
bad way) at the other end of the spectrum. Deadly force was able to reverse last week's misfortunes, but was
met by a resounding barrage from no less than seven stapler-based ideas.
Most popular:
Safe brake lights 12 (jonthegeologist)
"Now Benzene Free!" stickers 11 (hippo)
a stapler that squeals when you pick it up and its empty 11 (po)
Negative Cardinality 11 (Inyuki)
Permafrosties 9 (bigsleep)
A stapler that makes you squeal if you use it when it is empty 8 (AusCan531)
Least popular:
Dingaling Quotient -4 (UnaBubba)
anti addiction supply dogs -2 (vfrackis)
Treacle -1 (smendler)
Key Logger Defence -1 (senatorjam)
HB-CO connector -1 (oscil8)
Fountain of Youth at Dubai -1 (beanangel)
Cartoon Training for Jailers -1 (21 Quest)
Most polarising:
"Project Orion" Car Propulsion System +3/-3 (UnaBubba)
Cartoon Training for Jailers +3/-4 (21 Quest)
Class Gas +4/-3 (21 Quest)
Post Apocalyptic Cereal +5/-3 (sartep)
Fountain of Youth at Dubai +2/-3 (beanangel)
Hi-vis Cartridge Case +2/-2 (ytk)
Wi-Fi To-Do List +2/-2 (21 Quest)
Late developers from last week:
3D Study Maze 13 (Inyuki)
Premium, Premium Gas 8 (kevinthenerd)
Skyscraper Darts 7 (UnaBubba)
Most annotations:
Semi-Manual Pistol 40 (ytk)
Hi-vis Cartridge Case 34 (ytk)
Hundreds of telepathic froghoppers in space 31 (nineteenthly)
a stapler that squeals when you pick it up and its empty 29 (po)
Safe Brake Lights 26 (jonthegeologist)
Godly Golf Course 24 (vernon)
User stats
Most ideas: UnaBubba 10
Highest average score: Wrongfellow 7
Highest total score: xenzag 23
Lowest total score: vfrackis -2
Lowest average score: vfrackis -2
A profitable week for pouncing on typos and spoonerisms:
//decapited a nearby garden gnome// I assume you meant *decapitated* but I'll accept any successful method of destruction of a garden
gnome as a valid kill.
UnaBubba, May 28 2012
Yes, the transformation from Gnome to Gnomore is complete.
AusCan531, May 28 2012
Perhaps what is needed is the underpants version of the "lift & separate" underwired brasserie?
pocmloc, May 28 2012
I have to ask... what exactly is a 'lift & separate' underwired brasserie?
Phrontistery, May 29 2012
I have actually never been into a brasserie, though I used to live opposite one. However I presume they contain forks (for lifting) and knives
(for separating) and have at least some of their electrical wiring installed in their basements or beneath the floorboards.
pocmloc, May 30 2012
The "Wake Up Screaming" award goes to:
Become some sort of Aquatic Animal (rcarty) - I hope the involuntary morning face-checking will subside in a few days
Back again next week, vote gods willing.