Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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This tiny robot checks when an avocado is ripe and warns you.
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The clunky version 1. A tiny robot sits next to the avocado bowl in the Fridge and every morning feels them to see how ripe they are. Sends you a message warning that there's a ripe avocado ready to be eaten or a rotten one ready to be thrown out. (Rechargeable)

Version 2. A camera looks at the avocados and with AI can tell which is still hard, which is ripe, and which is rotten and tell you. (Powered by solar energy.) You can talk to AvocadoWarner and tell it what the initial state of the fruit is.

Version 3. The advanced system which will take a year to develop looks like a small piece of adhesive tape, sticks to the avocado peel, and changes color while emitting a soft warning sound when the status changes. It gets its energy from the peel itself don't ask me how.

With a slight modification they work for bananas too.

I would call the company: The Warner Brothers

With the moto: Global Warning Systems.

pashute, Oct 16 2024

Companion Item Universal_20Dater
Great minds think. [minoradjustments, Oct 17 2024]


       Option three smacks of "magic technology" but one and two are plausible. I especially like the idea of a little robot that squeezes my avocados for me.
5th Earth, Oct 16 2024

       [+] This Avodaco Warner is a perfect addition to the Universal Dater I proposed last October.   

       The Avocado Warner could come in all kinds of fruit & veg flavors. Nothing is as disgusting as an onion that has secretly gone bad inside. {Well, maybe there are more disgusting things.}   

       What if it was a Universal Warner and Dater? If it sensed ethylene or whatever fruit gives off when it is ripe, it could work for many kinds. A sensor for decomp could signal the burger has gone by, and stale bread has, I'm sure, some molecular signature that is detectable. Delectable.   

       {I read it in Spanish at first and thought, "What a great idea to be able to tell when there's a lawyer nearby."}
minoradjustments, Oct 17 2024


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