Or simulate that with a digital radio delay.
Option 1. Audio time travel.
An audio device beeps every second. The beep is a note
starting with Middle C and going up each time by one note.
There's a powerful flashing light sending a flash every second
through a cycle of White Red Green and
At time 0, when the device is close up we hear the first
with the C note immediately, and see together with it the
flash of white light.
Time 0s summary:
Distance: 0.
Flash #0 White.
Beep #0 C.
See: Flash #0 Red.
Hear: 1st heard beep: Beep #0. C
Time 1s: Traveling away from us at the speed of sound, after
one second it is about 343 meters away. We see the second
flash in red, but it will take the sound 1 whole second to get
us, so we will hear the B note only after 2 seconds from
the vehicle left us.
Time 1s summary:
Distance: 1x343 meters.
Flash #1 Red.
Beep #1 D.
See: Flash #1 Red.
Hear: Nothing. (as expected)
Time 2s: Another second passes, we are now at time 2s. We
the third (green) flash, but hear the second D note. We know
that the device is now beeping. It previously beeped at time
with note C, then at time 1s with note D, and now, at time
it is beeping for a third time with the note E. It will take this
third beep two full seconds to reach us. So we will hear it
at time 4s.
Time 2s summary:
Distance: 2x343 meters.
Flash #2 Green.
Beep #2 E. Will be heard in 2 seconds at time 4s.
See: Flash #2 Green.
Hear: 2nd heard beep: Beep #1. D (We already heard beep
Time 3s: The device has been travelling for 3 seconds now
away from us at an approximately constant speed of 343
meters per second so it should be approximately 343x2
away from us.
Beep #3 (we started with beep #0) with note F is sent out
with a fourth flash, in Blue. We see this flash which in our
minds is "almost immediately" but do not hear any beep at
moment, and don't expect to either. The F note beep that
sent is expected to reach us in another 3 seconds at time 6s.
Time 3s summary:
Distance: 3x343 meters.
Flash #3 Blue
Beep #3 F. Expected at time 6s.
See: Flash #3 Blue.
Hear: Nothing (as expected. Till now we heard C and D)
The device's black box has been recording all along the
own beeps, timing them with it's own independent clock,
according to which at device time d0s it emitted the C note,
device time d1s it emitted the D, at d2s the E, and at d3s
Reversal: The vehicle now stops and immediately begins
coming back towards us at the speed of sound. (No worries,
there it is on a magnetic rail which is not in our direct path,
and all safety precausions have been taken by an expert
so what could go wrong?
Reversal summary: At time of reversal we are at time 3s.
Which we have just summarized.
Time 4s: Our distance has now decreased by 1 second of
from 3s (3x343 meters) down to 2s (2x343 meters).
The device beeps a G note which is the 5th beep and flashes
white (again), the 5th flash and first of the new four color
cycle (starting with 0). This white flash is seen immediately,
but the note G sound will take 2 seconds to reach us,
at time 6s (along with the former F note emitted just 1 sec
from a distance of 3 seconds away). But at this time we DO
hear the
beep from 2s with the E note. (So by now we have heard C,
and now E)
Time 4s summary:
Distance: 2x343 meters.
Flash #4 White (again).
Beep #4 G. Expected at time 6s (together with F.
See: Flash #4 White.
Hear: #2 E (after hearing C,D before)
Time 5s: We are now 1s away. The emitted sound (#5 beep,
tone High A) will reach us within 1s at time 6s. The flash #5
Red, seen immediately.
Time 5s summary:
Distance: 1x343 meters.
Flash #5 Red
Beep #5 High A. Expected at time 6s (together with former F.
See: Flash #5 Red.
Hear: Nothing. (Till now we have heard C,D and E)
Time 6s - We are back home. The device flashes Green, and
beeps #6 tone High B.
We hear the sound from time 3s: #3 F.
We hear the sound from time 4s (emitted two seconds ago)
We hear the sound from time 5s (emitted one second ago) #5
High A
We now hear the final beep, emitted just now, beep #6 High
All four come in together. If we would be traveling with only
the audio records of time, a millisecond before the signals
came in, we may think that the device has not aged and is
waiting to reach its 3rd second although we are already in
This proves that time was slower for the audio time-counting
Option 2. Digital radio delay time travel simulation:
Same thing but this time its a computer animation creating a
radio time delay, with music played in a zoom session,
down as we get further away and speeding back up all of a
sudden at the last second we get back.
Option 3. Stupid reporter nodding head time travel
The reporter tells us the time every second and waits to hear
us confirm before continuing, stupidly nodding until she or
hears us.