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Ask the bakery

Sometimes I wish I could
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I don't know how many members are on the bakery. I have no earthly idea what you people to in your respective careers. What I do know is that there is intelligence to be tapped here. There have been many a time that I have considered posting an idea as a veiled question to the bakery. I know there are sites to post general questions and s o m e t I m e s there are good credible answers. There is also a wealth of information available on other forums with smart users. There is just something about this place that appears to be better. Maybe it's just empty confident arrogance that runs strong in responses to ideas but I want to believe there is a genuine collective genius present here.

My idea here in all of this is simple. I propose more than just a "category" to post questions but an actual separate sister page with its own "recent" section dedicated to posting questions. This is a lot to ask for, but how much real estate would it consume? Text based user interface just like the bakery, but used for a different purpose.

Creating this could foster more creativity on the bakery.

evilpenguin, Nov 08 2015

Wikipedia Reference Desk https://en.wikipedi...edia:Reference_desk
// I think he wants to stretch it into the banal "how much does air weigh" and stuff // [notexactly, Nov 09 2015]


       This sounds more like a halfbakery forum/ social media collective than the halfbakery itself. That's not to say it's not a good idea though
hippo, Nov 08 2015

FlyingToaster, Nov 08 2015

       There's no such thing as a stupid question? But it's better if they are asked in a smart way...
Ling, Nov 08 2015

       // I have no earthly idea what you people to in your respective careers. //   

       We could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you.   

       // What I do know is that there is intelligence to be tapped here.   

       So, how long have you been delusional ?   

       // Maybe it's just empty confident arrogance that runs strong in responses to ideas //   

       <hard stare>   

       // I want to believe //   

       The truth is out there. The lies are in here. Apology is policy. Deny everything. Trust no-one.   

       // there is a genuine collective genius present here. //   

       Recognition at last. .... Matthew 13:57.
8th of 7, Nov 08 2015

       //13:57// - is it that time already?
hippo, Nov 08 2015

       Halfbaker has the same population as there are rabbits living in Welsh coal mines, and some of these rabbits are actually busy posting ideas right here.
xenzag, Nov 08 2015

       //good credible answers// That is your problem right there.
pocmloc, Nov 08 2015

       //Dear Bakery, my iPhone just got wet. What is the fastest way of drying it out?//. That is not the kind of question I would pose. More complex then that, things google just throws it's hands in the air to and give up.   

       And the fastest way to dry out a wet iPhone is in the microwave, everyone knows that
evilpenguin, Nov 08 2015

       Confident arrogance is not empty. It has that confidence in it!
bungston, Nov 08 2015

       I have done this too. The trick is to pose the question in the form of an idea. It helps for your idea to be redolent with arrogant confidence, because nothing attracts popping of ego balloons better. And, sometimes, when I want a certain baker, I post its name thrice.
bungston, Nov 08 2015

       // And the fastest way to dry out a wet iPhone is in the microwave, //   

       Thermite ! Thermite !! MUHWHAHHAHA !   

8th of 7, Nov 08 2015

       In the toaster is quicker than in the microwave. Try it if you don't believe me.
pocmloc, Nov 08 2015

       So you want a bakery faq. With Q & A?
travbm, Nov 08 2015

       nope, [pengy] said "posting questions", not "posting questions".   

       Since, every once-in-awhile, somebody _does_ post a "looking for a way to do <x>" or somesuch, technically stretching the boundaries of propriety for a week or so while it's up, it's a bit moot, but I think he wants to stretch it into the banal "how much does air weigh" and stuff. (I actually have a .txt file that says how much air weighs, to avoid having to look it up every time I think of an LTA application)
FlyingToaster, Nov 08 2015

       Any answers I deliver will be unreliable and halfbaked.
xenzag, Nov 08 2015

       Why is the sky blue?
blissmiss, Nov 08 2015

       or, more easily, simply point to the Northern Lights and say "it isn't".
FlyingToaster, Nov 08 2015

       I thought that in the UK the question more asked would be 'when'.
When is the sky blue?

       How blue is the sky?
pocmloc, Nov 08 2015

       Ask the bakery: When you dream while sleeping, do you dream in color?
evilpenguin, Nov 08 2015

       Only when I'm dreaming about dreaming.
FlyingToaster, Nov 08 2015

       The Titanic was built by the predecessors of hb kind, if that gives you some idea of how sound this is <musical backdrop provided by some bozozuku guy revving up near me in the parking lot of Lawson>
not_morrison_rm, Nov 09 2015

       // When you dream while sleeping, do you dream in color? //   

       Yes, but since the electric sheep are black and white it doen't make much difference.
8th of 7, Nov 09 2015

       //Why is the sky blue?//   

       Because the mixture of gasses in the atmosphere scatters blue light, such that it appears to be coming from all portions of the sky.
MechE, Nov 09 2015

       A popular misconception.   

       It was, of course, invented by Monsieur Bleu d'Rayleigh.
Ling, Nov 09 2015

       Thank you [MechE]!
blissmiss, Nov 09 2015

       //dreaming about dreaming//
That happened to me just the other day. I was lucid-dreaming, then I woke up from it, went back to sleep and dreaming. In the second dream, there were references/discussions of the first dream. I can't recall that ever happening before; it was somewhat disturbing (but awesome too).
neutrinos_shadow, Nov 09 2015

       Okay, here's real question. Ill just hijack the anno's to ask the question: I have an old hard drive with a ton of old photos that I want to view again and back up on an other storage device. Problem is I shorted out the power section of the PCB on the hard drive. It will no longer run. Question is, can I replace the PCB from an identical drive and run it? Or are there sector addresses saved on one of the chips on the PCB? This is a older IDE style drive.   

       I know I could probably find this out in an other way, but after mild googling I have come up wit bubkis
evilpenguin, Nov 09 2015

       Best bet would be to take the HD out of the case, then get a blind person with magnetic gloves to transcribe it.
not_morrison_rm, Nov 10 2015

       Hit it with a hammer
pocmloc, Nov 10 2015

       // And the fastest way to dry out a wet iPhone is in the microwave //   

       Same for the HD, everyone knows that.
Canuck, Nov 10 2015

       // Question is, can I replace the PCB from an identical drive and run it? Or are there sector addresses saved on one of the chips on the PCB? This is a older IDE style drive. //   

       You should be able to do that as long as it's not a bootable system drive. If you install it as a secondary drive and boot from a master, it should be fine. Be very careful with the flexible pcb cables when removing and replacing the controller card.
8th of 7, Nov 10 2015

       Hey, stop giving useful advice, this isn't Instructibles
not_morrison_rm, Nov 10 2015

       Nos maxima culpa ...
8th of 7, Nov 10 2015

       //Hey, stop giving useful advice, this isn't Instructibles// Sorry, I will stop asking, cease and desist for the sprit of the bakery.
evilpenguin, Nov 10 2015

       //sprit of the bakery. //   

       Does the bakery have a sprit ? Like a bowsprit, a pointy bit at the front ?   

       Where is the front, anyway ?   

       If you meant "spirit of the bakery", that's sweet cider mixed with industrial alcohol, plus a hint of Skydrol 500 to give it a bit of "kick"*   

       *Not to be confused with the convulsions and tetanic spasms tht typically follow its ingestion.
8th of 7, Nov 10 2015

       210 proof sprit
evilpenguin, Nov 10 2015

       //This sounds more like a halfbakery forum/ social media collective//

Inglybinglydingly lives again!
DrBob, Nov 10 2015

       //210 proof//   

       190 proof with dry alcohol added 30% past precipitation threshold?
Voice, Nov 10 2015

       [Voice], alcohol is not a sprit. Do keep up.
pocmloc, Nov 10 2015

       //Nos maxima culpa ...// just noticed this, 8th   

       well, morte para o sistema
evilpenguin, Nov 10 2015

       semper ubi sub ubi
FlyingToaster, Nov 10 2015

       The answers provided must sound plausible but be wrong in humorous and potentially dangerous ways.
tatterdemalion, Nov 10 2015

       We have an issue with "potentially".
8th of 7, Nov 10 2015

       Well at least I didn't suggest a Halfbakery dating site
evilpenguin, Nov 10 2015

       Also, I've has this stuck in my head all day:   

       Look in my eyes, what do you see?   

       The cult of banality   

       I know your anger, I know your dreams   

       I've been everything you want to flee   

       I'm the cult of banality   

       Like Jeb Bush and Hilary   

       I'm the cult of banality   

       The cult of banality   

       The cult of banality
evilpenguin, Nov 10 2015

       That's not as bad in earworm terms as thinking of "I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me. He's just a poor boy from a poor family, Spare him his life from this monstrosity." every time Donald Trump appears in screen ...
8th of 7, Nov 10 2015


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