Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Art That Reacts To The Patron's Love Or Hate.

It's a painting that smiles or frowns depending on how people react to it.
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Face recognition is getting pretty good. The hidden camera would register the viewer's reaction, furrowed brows and a frown being dislike, raised eyebrows and a thoughtful expression being approval.

These are averaged out over time and the painting changes.

It couldn't be a video screen though, it would have to be an actual oil painting. Guess you'd have magnetic particles in the fluid paint that you'd re-arrange as appropriate.

And to be clear, it wouldn't be immediate. It would have to be slow enough that you got this effect. (link)

Like that painting in the attic of that old fucker who sold his soul, what's his name.

doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2024

The transition would have to be unoticeable. https://www.youtube...watch?v=Ks4NwN-DEPQ
[doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2024]

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       While I understand the appeal of this being made in a physical medium like simulated oil paint, I'm unclear why this *can't* be a video screen.
5th Earth, Oct 14 2024

       It could I suppose, but then it wouldn't be art, it would be something on a video screen.   

       Which could be art I guess. No rule saying you can't use a video screen as the medium.   

       Well it would certainly be a lot easier to do.
doctorremulac3, Oct 15 2024

       I suppose the brute force approach would be to start with a flat surface with addressable pixels and then mess with it until it took on the shape of dried oil paint.   

       However, you might be able to achieve the effect more elegantly with a combination of thermochromic paints and very small electrical heating elements in the "canvas".   

       If a particular audience showed an inclination to dick with the work, it could look progressively angrier until it burst into flame.   

       After a dignified pause, concealed rollers would lower a fresh copy into the frame.
pertinax, Oct 15 2024

       A friend of mine makes large colour field paintings that subtly react and change in response to the presence of the heat emitted from people standing in front of them.
xenzag, Oct 15 2024

       Whoa! Now THAT is brilliant!   

       THAT is the kind of art AI won't replace. Human creativity.
doctorremulac3, Oct 15 2024

       The entire film and television industry, not to mention the entire digital art world, would like to remind you that things on video screens can be art, in case you still had any questions about that.
5th Earth, Oct 15 2024

       Tell 'em thanks for the insight.
doctorremulac3, Oct 15 2024

       Video screen is for the lazy answer. I like the challenge of finding the alternatives.   

       Dorian Gray.is that old guy.   

       A "cheap" way would be for there to be two paintings on different layers. One would become a bit less opaque somehow. Or an image is projected onto another image.
RayfordSteele, Oct 16 2024


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