A Catholic church in Cusco, Peru, burned down recently.
Cusco was the seat of government of the Incas.
Spanish built churches on top of Inca temples.
Catholicism is a male, father-oriented religion compared
to the Inca tradition which was more female and
Clinton is about to become president of the US.
World War II was a struggle between Rusia and Germany,
Germany defending the rich half of the world, Rusia
defending the poor half of the world.
The same struggle could be taken on now by establishing
a more gentle relationship between the developed and
original cultures in the world in the form of an
agreement between churches.
is an initiative that brings together a diverse group of
people of
all abilities and cultures to build a stain glass window for
the new
church in Cusco.
People with disabilities, from diverse cultures, who are
hard to agree with and animals will be included as
authors in the design of the window, using tiered design.
All participants will receive the same spatial template /
line drawing / lead outline. They will fill it with colors /
values and the tiered management system will derive an
algorithm that describes their design. All these designs
can be put together to produce a final product, using the
best of or a combination of algorithms.
Tech companies could help organize and support this
project and
opportunity to study accessibility, artificial intelligence,
and mosaicing.
An event called "Share!" featuring Cher and Ted Nugent
(see linked idea) could coincide with Hillary Clinton's
inauguration, be a
great occasion for the announcement of a continent-
legalization of all drugs,an opening of the boarders of
America, and celebrate a re-embracing
of some
values and the re-femalization of leadership worldwide.
The announcement could also include a plan to make all
travel essentially free for everyone and to require
3-month vacations for all Americans, including language
developing countries, to participate in a world wide
network of
ayahuasca and other medicinal plant healing ceremonies.