Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Any Bakers in East Africa?

Improptu Half-Con perhaps?
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I'm taking a trip to Nairobi, Kenya in 2 weeks. I'll be there for 7 days, from August 3rd to August 10th. Anyone within spitting distance want to meet up for drinks?
21 Quest, Jul 23 2024

Doc Rem https://www.faceboo...m/groups/2309154891
[21 Quest, Jul 24 2024]


       According to my local source, it HAS been quite chilly there of late. Things that make ya wonder.
21 Quest, Jul 23 2024

       Pertinax, if I accidently deleted your comment about your grandfather I wholeheartedly apologize!
21 Quest, Jul 23 2024

       Not at all - I deleted it myself, before I realised you'd responded to it. I thought it was too morbid.   

       Then, after I saw you had, I thought, "well, maybe it's appropriate that a ghost comment should disappear mysteriously".
pertinax, Jul 23 2024

       Ah. And then I ruin it by asking stupid questions lol
21 Quest, Jul 23 2024

       It's all good. I hope you enjoy your time in Kenya. :-)
pertinax, Jul 23 2024

       What are you doing over there? Business or tourism?   

       Either way can you upload pictures?
doctorremulac3, Jul 24 2024

       Bit of both. Are you on the HB's Facebook page?
21 Quest, Jul 24 2024

       I'm not but I'll check it out.
doctorremulac3, Jul 24 2024

       Not finding anything, got a link?
doctorremulac3, Jul 24 2024


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