The greatest ideas are often, when analysed, very simple- simple enough to be memorized by an average person.
This leads to the possibility of an amusing "counterfactual alternative history" contest, alongside some experimental archaeology.
The contest is in two parts. Firstly, authors must describe
in simple terms the concept underlying morse code, or the verge escapement, or the screw propeller.
Secondly, a contestant must memorize the information, and then "time-travel" back 2000 years and, using available technology and materials, construct a functioning exemplar.
A smooth metal bowl coated with silver is the basis of a reflecting telescope; what if the Romans had constructed an optical semaphore to send morse code? Calcium carbide is fairly simple to produce, and would have yielded acetylene lamps. A galley with a screw propeller would have easily outmanouvered one driven by oars.
Ths could be the basis for an educational TV show.