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America's cup catamarans.

Vertical Strip Sail For Americas Cup Catermarans
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If America's Cup catamarans were fitted with wide bladed carbon fibre vertical strip type sails that swivel open or close to control wind flow, It would allow said vessels to be steered by wind flowing through the angled slats. Vertical slats could be rapidly pulled in close to the mast, eliminating a tendency for the vessel to be blown over by wind gusts.
Ah Supp, Oct 01 2011

possible category http://www.halfbake...y/Vehicle_3a_20Boat
[po, Oct 01 2011]

interesting link here... http://www.americas...r-Sail-in-Auckland/
[xandram, Oct 01 2011]

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       just for the one event?
po, Oct 01 2011

       'mwondering what a "cup catamaran" is.
FlyingToaster, Oct 01 2011

       welcome to the halfbakery...please use an apostrophe when necessary. I can lend you one. I think I will even bun this idea, because it's OK.
xandram, Oct 01 2011

       thinking more along the lines of capital letters. Meanwhile I don't really understand the idea. Why vertical blind sails ? You then have to have 2 spars per sail instead of 1.
FlyingToaster, Oct 01 2011

       lets break this down. Sails that are heavy and have moving parts? likely a bad idea. Tons of tiny sails? Again, likely a bad idea. Changing the long standing classification of a historic boat race to allow for an even faster and more dangerous style of boat? Maybe a good idea. Making the bar for entering a competitive boat even higher? No way.
WcW, Oct 01 2011

       What is the connection between the blind in Venice and America's good samaritans? I'm not sure this is going to sail...
swimswim, Oct 01 2011

       Up until now, Sheldon Adelson.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       To 21 Quest. As far as I am aware, all entrants in the forthcoming America's Cup yacht race will be fielding catamarans this time round. Because it is an invitational race and, as the name so suggests, held at the behest of those American Chappies. In the strictest terms, one could hardly expect the series to be a pukka show.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       To Zandram. Thank you for your welcome and generous offer. So. You've guessed. I am lesdyxic.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       // as the name so suggests, held at the behest of those American Chappies //   

       Actually, the America's Cup race is named after a boat. The boat happened to be named after a country. The people of that country have nothing to do with the race.   

       The idea seems to be based on flat sails being pushed by wind hitting them at right angles and pushing like a parachute. Sailboat sails are curved like airfoils, and they lift like an airplane wing as the wind blows along them. (They've been doing that for over a hundred years--so the "steering by angled slats" part of this idea is not new.)
baconbrain, Oct 02 2011

       Well now. I have learned something. I shall retreat and stand contrite facing in toward the corner at the back of the class, until ordered to remove my sad person and go home. I based my vast knowledge of the races from being force fed viewing seemingly endless America's cup series on New Zealand waters or faced with the alternative choice of viewing Coronation Street (Is there no God)? Considered sound at the time, the sail thingy was a flash of an idea. You, dear person, have slam dunked me.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       Ha ha, Very good 21 Quest.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       I think [Faye's Down] does'nt like the cut of their jib.
4whom, Oct 02 2011

       // I shall retreat and stand contrite facing in toward the corner at the back of the class, until ordered to remove my sad person and go home. //   

       You shall do no such thing. As a fledgling Halfbaker, you shall take your lumps proudly and come back swinging.   

       // Considered sound at the time, the sail thingy was a flash of an idea. //   

       That's what this place is for. Our scorn and derision is the second-highest form of Halfbakery praise (the highest being, well, praise. And buns. Lots and lots of steaming, buttery buns. Mmmm...)   

       // You, dear person, have slam dunked me. //   

       Get used to it. Happens to me all the time.
Alterother, Oct 02 2011

       here, here [Alt...] This young man/old fart/young woman/old queef is what we need here. [Ah Supp]/[Faye's Down] we salute you...
4whom, Oct 02 2011

       and yet... it rivals Flettner for a lode (yes ore body) of bollocks.
4whom, Oct 02 2011

       [4whom], I agree. I was actually being serious for once. I like to give new 'Bakers a grace period to settle in before I start needling them.
Alterother, Oct 02 2011

       Not to all new 'bakers. This one seems like a keeper. We were all once knew, you know!
4whom, Oct 02 2011

       Everyone except for the primordial Jutta.
swimswim, Oct 02 2011


       All hail the Primordial Jutta!   

Alterother, Oct 02 2011

       I wonder if she likes soup?
RayfordSteele, Oct 02 2011

       So much for jumping in at the deep end. I sadly fear my 77 years has taken a toll on my marbles. Thanks to all for the warm welcome.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       Just for the record. Before succumbing to being an old fart, I was actually granted a supply of male testosterones. None of which I consciously used to grow a full head of hair.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       // So much for jumping in at the deep end. //   

       There is no shallow end.   

       Stick around, it gets better.
Alterother, Oct 02 2011

       I'll hold my breath.
Ah Supp, Oct 02 2011

       Not practical, not efficient and very, very dangerous. Bun.   

       And welcome to the HB.
methinksnot, Oct 03 2011

       Thank you Methinksnot. Any relation to Forgetme by any chance? In hindsight, perhaps I should have joined the Masons. The initiation ceremony could not be more rigorous than this surely.
Ah Supp, Oct 03 2011

       Good. More bondage and discipline.
Ah Supp, Oct 03 2011


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