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Air powered skates

use "air casters" instead of wheels, inlines or skate blades
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Please see links, so you get an idea of how small the amount of air needed and how much power is freed when riding on tiny air cussion, almost similar to hovercraft, just using the ground efect and just barely enough to remote from ground.

This is NOT a hovershoes idea, but rather for a "hoverskates" glliding effect. Practical probably for a sport room, but also possibly for real world asphalt outside.

Notice on links they have solutions for locking travel direction and overcoming obstacles.

It seems to me that a hand pump or mabye even some kind of "bicyle like" foot pump could be "on board" (on back) to constantly supply the needed air, or - if the B1 bomber can be moved with the tip of your finger [see link], a motor could easily be carried too. And if speed is what is needed, and safety is the problem, the motor could also blow an inflatable safety suit around you.

pashute, Aug 29 2003

aerogo: air casters http://www.aerogo.com
use a finger to move the b1 bomber [pashute, Oct 04 2004]

intellicaster http://www.intellicaster.com
An air hose will work for indoor sports and outdoor - a scuba balloon [pashute, Oct 04 2004]

Aeris Corporation: Air Casters, Air Skates, Air Bearings http://www.aeriscorporation.com
Moving Heaving Loads [tdurlach, Oct 04 2004]

Air bearing kit http://www.hovair.c...ir-bearing-kits.htm
[pashute, Mar 12 2006]

Make your own low-hovercraft http://amasci.com/amateur/hovercft.html
Classroom project - a bit larger than what I need... [pashute, Jul 12 2006]

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       What does a scuba balloon have to do with it?
Shz, Aug 29 2003

       please see aerogo.com link and i think it should be clear. thanks for the sp correction. will do.   

       You are removed from the floor and float a very minute distance from it, enabling almost effortless movement. Please do see the sites.
pashute, Aug 29 2003

       So it is bacically a hovercraft but with ground clearance so small there is minimal air leakage. If that's the case then you're going to have to keep these shoes *very* flat to keep the effect.
st3f, Aug 29 2003

       Yes I am sure: again - gliding minute distance from floor. not a hovercraft, but rather an air caster. Just like an air-caster is Not a hovercraft, although they use similar but DIFFERENT technology. (first raised a minute distance from floor on rubber pneumatic balloon, and then very SMALL amount of air evenly distributed under plate (and not skirt).
pashute, Aug 29 2003

       I constructed a go-cart on three of these casters, with an engine powering a fan at the back, in (19)69.
FarmerJohn, Aug 29 2003

       //please see aerogo.com link and i think it should be clear.//   

       I reread the links and can find no reference to the use of scuba balloons. - Maybe it’s just me, but it seems counterproductive to use them (at least in the only way I can think of using them with casters).
Shz, Aug 29 2003

       Where do you get the friction to move? A skate or blade you can turn perpendicular to the direction of travel in order to give you something to push off with. With this thing, you'll just be sitting there. Is the idea to only go downhill? Have someone push/pull you? Strap a fan to your back?
phoenix, Aug 29 2003

       The shoes would only float if you held the soles perfectly parallel to the floor. To push you tilt one foot forward so the toe touches the ground.   

       I think these would be very hard to use because the slightest deviation of the sole from horizontal would cause the toe, heel, or edge of the sole to touch the floor.
AO, Aug 29 2003

       There's only a few millimeters of clearance here. "Tilting" is questionable; you'd be dragging the tilted skid.
phoenix, Aug 29 2003

       the shoes will have a flat "platform" which your shoes "stand" on, so you dont have a problem of tilting. Tilt your shoes, the platform stays on ground, and you "glide" on it.   

       Think of skis. As a matter of fact skis may be the correct look for this sport.   

       shz, the scuba balloons are for air pressure. you get them when you come into the scating room. The point with these casters is that you can get moving easily, even with extremely heavy weights.
pashute, Aug 30 2003

       I'm not sure where the scuba balloon fits in either. Scuba balloons are low pressure devices and, although the amount of air leakage from an air caster is much smaller than that from a hovercraft, it must still be replaced with air under a pressure that will lift the object... or do you mean a compressed air cylinder?
st3f, Aug 30 2003

       Yes but skis rely on gravity to operate. Is that the intent here? Or do you imagine people moving around with ski poles?
phoenix, Aug 30 2003

       No you couldn't, since the air casters wouldn't displace any more water than a normal pair of shoes. You would just produce a lot of bubbles as you sank. To walk on water you would need a pair of Jesus Shoes.
spacemoggy, Aug 10 2004

       Back after a year: Yeah I meant compressed air cylinder, but still think there is very low pressure needed. This year I went with my kids to the science museum in Jslm, and at the entrance they had this machine that uses a regular fan (!) and low air pressure to move a heavy platform around on air. I'm under the impression that this is bakeable. Maybe I'll try the kit from Hover. (see new link)
pashute, Mar 12 2006


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