Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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A Very Dark Betting Game

You get a list of animals and rank them one to thirty, who kills the most humans per year.
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The list is in alphabetical order and after you put your rankings in, the program plays the attached video and compares it to what you assumed and creates a score at the end.

Could also do a classroom version where everybody fills out a sheet like a betting pool and winners are ranked.

I'd have been not even close on any of them.

doctorremulac3, Oct 12 2024

The answers while you're guesses are ranked in real time to this playing. https://www.youtube...watch?v=c3OgPO83Elg
[doctorremulac3, Oct 12 2024]

Think laughter is a good thing? https://www.ncbi.nl...rticles/PMC7064551/
Think again. The slightest giggle is like playing Russian roulette. [doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2024]


       Herding and milking grizzlies must be a very safe occupation, relatively speaking. I wonder why more people don't make their living that way ...
pertinax, Oct 12 2024

       These lists are always a bit weird.
I mean, why blame the Tsetse fly, or the Assassin bug, or the snail, or the mosquito rather than the parasites they transmit (Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, various Schistosoma species and various Plasmodium species respectively)? All these parasites are eukaryotic; they're technically animals in the same way a tapeworm is.
And it's a bit rich to blame the pufferfish for poisoning the consumer.
Loris, Oct 12 2024

       Hmm, good point. It's not the insect exactly, it's the parasites, they should at least show both eh? And it's people eating the pufferfish eh? Foogoo or something? Yea, that's also a good point.   

       So if people die from eating contaminated food you could say X amount of people are killed by chickens each year. (via salmonella poisoning)   

       Milking grizzlies might be tricky. There's technically no way to tell a male from a female (true fact) until you see their reaction to being milked.   

       Okay, that was bad even for me.   

       But if we're using sharks as a starting point, 4 lousy deaths we can start throwing stuff in like laughing, kissing, walking in the sun, playing with a puppy. I'm sure those activities kill a certain amount of people every year. Boy could you make some click-bait out of that.   

       "Think laughing is a good thing? Wait till you read these death statistics."   

       Started to Google "How may people die each year from laughing" and saw what people search for in this order. Car accidents, alcohol, smoking, tornadoes, shark attacks, drunk driving, falling coconuts, cancer, skydiving, mosquitos.   

       Okay, Google says "No one dies from laughing each year" but you can faint.   

       Then a study that says it happens all the time. "Daily frequency of laughter represents an independent risk factor for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease in a Japanese general population." (link)
doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2024

       All laughter and enjoyment of any kind should be eradicated for our own good. It's just logical.   

       Agreed, need a government agency, the Ministry Of Laughter Abolition.
doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2024


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