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AED Launcher

I'd put this in public: safety: first aid, but that doesn't exist
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I'm sure most of you have seen the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) mounted at strategic locations around large public buildings such as malls and airports. But have you considered how quickly they could be brought to where they're needed, when seconds count?

Imagine someone is having a heart attack at an airport. A bystander who is trained in first aid recognizes what's happening and shouts for someone to bring an AED.

- Worst case: Due to the bystander effect, nobody brings an AED.

- Best case: A good sprinter happens to be standing near an AED station. They grab the AED and run it over to the heart attack scene, sprinting along the moving walkways. This takes 20 to 30 seconds. (And they are exhausted from sprinting, so cannot take over CPR.)

- Even better but not workable case: A person with a jetpack happens to be standing near an AED station, and can fly the AED over. This won't work because jetpacks are not allowed in airports.

Solution: Instead of AED stations scattered around the airport, there are AED launchers. These are giant slingshot turrets that can aim and shoot a specially packaged AED to anywhere in the airport, or at least near enough that a bystander can carry it the rest of the way in five seconds.

When someone shouts for an AED, microphones around the airport pick this up and determine the location (like the gunshot and other sound source locators that we have several ideas for, and are baked). The nearest launcher aims for this location and awaits a signal to launch. The security guards (not the checkpoint ones, but the ones who keep the airport grounds secure) get an alert, and check out what's going on using the security cameras. If there's actually someone having a heart attack, they give the signal to launch the AED. The AED flies over to the heart attack scene, and deploys a parachute to land safely. The first aider grabs it and starts using it.

notexactly, Dec 07 2015

AED drone http://www.cnet.com...art-attack-victims/
Mature AED technology + mature drone technology. The idea isn't baked, but a better one is. [CraigD, Dec 09 2015]

A serial catapulter ? Maizechinegun
[normzone, Dec 09 2015]

Paramedic skydiver Prior art by [8th] [notexactly, Apr 23 2019]

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       With such a system in place it would not have to be restricted to defibrillators. You might also deploy rolls of toilet paper (often desperately needed in airports), eggs-and-bacon sandwiches and duty-free booze, all (more or less) safely landing with their parachutes gently flapping like apprentice ghosts during a break.
Toto Anders, Dec 07 2015

       It would be ironic to have a heart attack and then be killed by a flying defibrillator
hippo, Dec 07 2015

       "Ok, Doc, whatcha got for us ?"   

       "Same as the others, sergeant .... blunt force trauma to the cranium. We've bagged the weapon for forensics, but the M.O.'s identical. I think we're looking at a serial catapulter..."
8th of 7, Dec 07 2015

       Why limit this to airports? Just have the every hospital in the area (which tend to be, except in very big cities, relatively tall buildings) put a large catapult on the roof, which delivers the AED to the door nearest the emergency every time a 911 call that might be a heart attack comes in.
MechE, Dec 07 2015

       Really this brings into sharp focus the utter ridiculousness of the whole jetpack ban.
bungston, Dec 07 2015

       Better get the Halfbakery Crime Lab on it (link).
normzone, Dec 09 2015

       People tend to have heart attacks at airports because that's the way airports are. It may be cheaper to just rehumanize the entire airport experience.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 09 2015

       I had the thought just now that the turret should be equipped with some kind of directional speaker (LRAD or similar) to warn people along the planned trajectory of the AED to get out of the way.   

       [CraigD], are you really claiming a drone is better than a slingshot turret? Just a few months ago there was a big airport drone scare, and everyone's been working on ideas to keep drones away from airports. Though I guess this one would be indoors. But still, what if someone hacked it to fly outside, as if there was a heart attack victim outside the entrance doors, and then fly back over the airport and into a plane's engine? I note that the article implies the drone could be used across a distance of many city blocks, but so could a slingshot turret—just scale it up (and equip the AED with a steerable parachute).
notexactly, Mar 11 2019


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