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600 Balls Per Minute Ping Pong

Rapid fire ping pong ball launchers on each side of the table add challenge to the game.
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Each player gets a standard ping pong paddle and a ping pong ball machine gun mounted on a pivot on their side of the table. The rules are the same, only the rate of fire has changed.

When the start signal sounds, they unleash a fusillade of ping pong balls at their opponent, which would only be redirected by the paddle being held at the right angle to re-direct the stream of balls to the opponent's table. At the same time they're moving their rapid fire ping pong ball machine gun at their opponent.

Balls being missed would number in the hundreds per minute and would be scored automatically by a machine counting them.

The balance of effort between offence and defense would be pretty interesting to watch. Do you just man the paddle and re-direct the balls with your machine gun in one position? Do you just man the machine gun and drop the paddle? I'd think you use both but maybe not. I think that's what would make this pretty interesting.

Either way, if you had two opponents that could actually pull this off it would be pretty magnificent to watch.

doctorremulac3, Aug 10 2024

https://en.wikipedi...ssfire_(board_game) [pocmloc, Aug 13 2024]


       True Genius
pocmloc, Aug 12 2024

       Huh? Where?   

       Thanks poc. Check's in the mail.
doctorremulac3, Aug 12 2024

       I think that most ball game sports could be improved by using rapid fire ball machine guns.   

       Football / Rugby / Soccer / basketball / netball etc.: you would need some players to carry the guns with backpack-mounted hoppers to be filled with balls. Other players would act as ball-boys, running around gathering up spare balls from the field and loading them into the hoppers.   

       Golf: just spray the balls down the fairway. You need to modify the holes with an underground ball chute and storage area and a system for mass recycling of balls back to the tees.   

       Pool / billiards / snooker - there are the usual number of coloured balls but you get to spray cue balls at them. Lose points for potting either your own or the opponent's cue balls.   

       Cricket / baseball / rounders etc: the bowler can have a field-gun type tripod mounted ball sprayer. Batsman needs serious protective gear.
pocmloc, Aug 13 2024

       You'd probably need a team, with someone feeding in the ammunition belts.
pertinax, Aug 13 2024

       I actually don't know why nobody's thought of this for ping pong and other sports. I don't think there's a person on Earth that wouldn't want to see this out of pure curiosity.   

       "Ping pong ammunition belt feeder" would be an interesting thing to have on your resume. Would certainly raise some eyebrows.   

       But if they didn't ask about it you'd know they weren't actually reading it. Hmm, gives me an idea.
doctorremulac3, Aug 13 2024


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