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55-pin bowling

like 10-pin bowling, but with more pins
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So 10-pin bowling is 'solved', in the sense that people routinely get perfect games, where they knock down all the pins on their first throw, every frame.
However, one can only admire the machinery which sets up the pins so quickly and neatly, and sweeps away the unwanted pins when they've been felled, or at the end of a frame.
Wouldn't it be great if there was more to it?

In 10-pin bowling, the pins are arranged in an equilateral triangle, four to a side.

So in 55-pin bowling, there are 10 pins to a side. It's much more of a challenge to knock over all the pins in a frame.
Maybe we give people three balls per frame, so they have a bit more chance to knock a decent proportion over.
Obviously, this means one can theoretically knock over all the pins in three ways, getting a strike (1 ball), a spare (2 balls) or a sunder (3 balls).

Loris, Oct 16 2024

https://en.wikipedi...ki/Skittles_(sport) Lots f variations in rules etc. here [pocmloc, Oct 17 2024]


       How did you ever think of that?
xenzag, Oct 16 2024

       Yeah, it's not much of a leap, is it?
But I did a cursory check, and it didn't seem to be a thing.
I don't know why not, though - it seems feasible, fun, and more of a challenge to experienced 10-pin bowlers.
Loris, Oct 16 2024

       I mean, Wii Bowling did this (virtually) back in the day with a progressive bowling game where each frame had an increasing number of pins up to 100 on the last frame. But I would like to see a physical instantiation of the concept.
5th Earth, Oct 16 2024

       Ok, but what if there were explosives involved?
daseva, Oct 17 2024


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