Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Cogito, ergo sumthin'

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3D Scanning Hat

Scan Yourself
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A hat with a couple flexible appendages or tentacles with small photo eyes used to generate a 3D image if the wearer for use as an avatar. Also great for 3D selfies.
ShawnBob, Jun 17 2022


       tentacles [+]
pocmloc, Jun 17 2022

       eye stalks [+]
Voice, Jun 18 2022

       Approved: (slams with bun stamp) [+]
doctorremulac3, Jun 18 2022

       Hey how come you have a bun stamp and I have to hand-draw mine with a leaky biro?
pocmloc, Jun 19 2022

       "Nice top hat. Can you pull a rabbit out of it?"   

       "Just the ears."   


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