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3-D chess

The third dimension isn't the one you're thinking of
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The rules of this game of chess, played on a standard board, call for a theoretically infinite number of other boards reflecting all past and future positions from the present game. A single additional rule is in effect: Each player is allowed, as his turn, to swap a square in the game with that square as it was at a previous OR LATER point in time.

If taken from a previous point in time the game reverts to that point but with that square replaced with the new one, and that many moves ahead that square changes again to reflect the change. For example I move my queen's pawn forward for my first move, my queen forward one for my second move, and my queen back for my third move. On the fourth move it would be legal to put my queen in play from my third move on that square. At that point the game would revert to the game at move three when the queen was there, but without my queen. I would have my move and the next turn I would have two queens, just for that turn. The next turn my queen from the original position would disappear.

The same would happen if I choose to swap a square from later in the game: the game would revert upon that turn being reached, with the square swapped.

EDIT: If the later board position is occupied the time travel can't be done and the extra piece is forfeited.

Voice, Sep 19 2013

5d chess with multiverse and time travel https://store.steam...iverse_Time_Travel/
I'm not entirely sure this is humanly playable, but the video lays out some intriguing ideas. [zen_tom, Aug 31 2020]

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       "Now, before I begin the lesson, will those of you who are playing in the match this afternoon move your clothes down onto the lower peg immediately after lunch, before you write your letter home, if you're not getting your hair cut, unless you've got a younger brother who is going out this weekend as the guest of another boy, in which case, collect his note before lunch, put it in your letter after you've had your hair cut, and make sure he moves your clothes down onto the lower peg for you..."
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 19 2013

       Time as the third dimension...wait, didn't we just have this argument?
Alterother, Sep 19 2013

       Yes, we didn't.
rcarty, Sep 19 2013

       You might need to make an exception to prevent a player doing this when in check. Otherwise, (1) there are too many dimensions for the king to escape into and (2), even if the king stays put, the attacking piece could just be waved away into the future.
pertinax, Sep 01 2020

       //even if the king stays put, the attacking piece could just be waved away into the future.//   

       How? You don't get to send the other player's pieces into the future.
Voice, Sep 01 2020

       The idea description says you can swap a square. It does not restrict that to squares occupied by your own pieces.
pertinax, Sep 01 2020

       I had a few games on the linked 5d version, and can say it's a neat variant. You can play a normal move, or start a new multiverse branch, peeling off a piece from the current board, and placing it on an adjacent parrallel one - I had a game where a parallel universe existed with three of my queens on the same board, chasing down a couple of rogue kings who had each absconded from another dimension - it was all pretty wild.   

       In another round, I was skewered in the mid-game by a rogue bishop travelling back in time more than 5 moves previous to put my king in a check.   

       Order is preserved by limiting the frequency a player can make use of time-travel or a parallel universe - and causality is preserved by timetravel branching a new parallel board played simultaneously with the others.   

       Interestingly, pieces move in the other dimensions in the same way they move in normal dimensions - so a knight can jump up two squares, and then over a single step into an adjacent parallel universe. Diagonals become strange over multiple parallel boards, each universal slice either in the parallel direction, or through time behaving like another layer of a multidimensional lattice.   

       I've only toyed around, but it's been properly thought through it seems.
zen_tom, Sep 01 2020


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