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$10,000 Novelty Fan Package With Message

For idiots who ran into a lot of money somehow, comes wrapped in a message about not wrecking their lives.
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One of the most interesting studies of human behavior I've ever seen is documentation of people who win the lottery or otherwise get a massive amount of money and how they behave afterwords. Often it doesn't end well as in the case of the lottery winner who bought a new Cadillac for every day of the month and ended up penniless after a few years. Often it's worse, family members dying of drug overdoses, social ruination and eventually bankruptcy due to mismanagement.

The idea is for a fan made out of hundred dollar bills, 100 of them. Only an idiot with a windfall of money would buy such an item, presumably to post images of themselves fanning their face with the gaudy gimmick.

The item comes in a special package that must be read before it's opened. It tells the stories of lottery winners whose lives were ruined and has a list of ways to avoid these pitfalls.

It says: "Congratulations on your windfall, we see that you've bought a silly item with your money and want to warn you that his kind of behavior can lead to problems. Please consider the following:

1- People who suddenly like you are not your friends.

2- If you become lazy and start indulging in substances you may end up sick, miserable or worse.

3- You may lose purpose in life you didn't know you had before. This purpose, work, family, friends was the thing that gave your life meaning. If you forget that you may lose something that's critical to your happiness.


5- Read the stories of others like you who received massive sums of money and ended up worse off. Learn from them, their stories are included.

And finally, we suggest you read these stories for free, and return your $10,000 fan for either a full refund, or to have the money donated to a charity of your choice. We've listed the top 100 that people chose but please do your own research. Good luck."

The basic message would be: "You can have a great life after winning the lottery, but to do so you're going to have to be cognizant of the pitfalls."

doctorremulac3, Mar 01 2024

Interesting article that says usually winning the lottery is great. https://www.forbes....on/?sh=d7e78606ccc5
Posting it because it's got all the links to the horror stories. Sounds like lottery industry propaganda because the main damage it does is taking poor people's money for nothing. [doctorremulac3, Mar 01 2024]

These with real money of course. https://www.google....uMQ&sclient=gws-wiz
Again, to be clear, the idea is the packaging message. [doctorremulac3, Mar 01 2024]

How universities are funded in Germany https://www.researc...h%20and%20teaching.
State taxes, basically. [pertinax, Mar 05 2024]

How universities are funded in Australia https://universitie...rsities-are-funded/
For teaching, the government lends money to students on gentle terms, but also gives money directly to the universities for research. [pertinax, Mar 05 2024]

How Harvard is funded https://finance.har...and%20philanthropy.
Students are less than a quarter of it. [pertinax, Mar 05 2024]

How community colleges are funded (in America) https://ewa.org/edu...g%2C%20Shaw%20said.
It's partly students, but they tend not to teach Lapland Penguin Tap-Dancing [pertinax, Mar 05 2024]

My solution to college debt. Most_20Prestigious_20College_20Degree
My hero Max didn't like it but I respectfully disagree. [doctorremulac3, Mar 05 2024]

Fascism test https://www.idrlabs.com/fascism/test.php
[doctorremulac3, Mar 09 2024]

Speech / thought crime https://reason.com/...e-speech-into-a-po/
[doctorremulac3, Mar 10 2024]

Carbon credits https://www.youtube...watch?v=6p8zAbFKpW0
Totally not a scam, totally! [doctorremulac3, Mar 11 2024]

What you will own under the dictates of our new German overlords. https://www.youtube...watch?v=DVG1q49yPaY
Replace "I see" and "I know" with "You will own..." [doctorremulac3, Mar 12 2024]

The EU fearlessly brings humanity into the future with amazing innovation and bold leaps forward! https://www.europar...e-a-reality-in-2024
[doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024]

The Bureau Of Citizen Compliance Bureau_20Of_20Citizen_20Compliance
It's time [doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024]

Guns in the USA: https://www.statist...s-owning-a-firearm/
No sign of a round-up [pertinax, Mar 14 2024]

Guns in Canada https://www.justice...98_4-dt98_4/p2.html
Again, no sign of a round-up [pertinax, Mar 14 2024]

Guns in Australia https://www.rand.or...arms-agreement.html
[doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024]

When [2 fries] is right https://www.foxnews...-life-speech-crimes
[2 fries] is right [4and20, Mar 14 2024]

Around the world in hate-y days. https://www.youtube...watch?v=9utaqkro3iw
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Mar 14 2024]

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       Here at Camp Teacup, we call the 'lottery' the 'idiot tax'. Assuming this to be true, and understanding that the literacy rate in every country is currently falling off a cliff, you'll likely have to include at least an audio version, or better a small videoplayer version of your message.   

       Generally, people who play the lottery are not also the best planners, as your idea points out, so you'll want to have the fan delivered by a person who plugs in (and turns on!) the fan, plays the video for the recipient, then agrees with the recipient that the fan really isn't all that and a bag of chips, boxes everything up, and drops off the cash-fan (the object AND the winner) at the local shelter or food bank for a follow-up visual lesson.
Sgt Teacup, Mar 01 2024

       Excellent, I'll take 10 please.   

       Note to self: Must remember to discard the packaging without reading it. (though I usually do that anyway).
pocmloc, Mar 01 2024

       LOL! I was thinking about that. How many people would actually read the thing and take the advice?   

       Still, if it saved one life eh?
doctorremulac3, Mar 01 2024

       One huge problem is, at least in the US, you and everyone around you thinks you won 4 times what you actually won. You split it in half because it's actually an annuity paying that much every year for some years and you split it again because 30-50% (depending on your tax attorney) goes to taxes. So if someone "wins $10 million" they've actually won about $3 million.   

       So there you are with 3 million coming buying a 5 million dollar house and not really understanding where all your money is. Add in sudden new "friends", people who you knew but suddenly want to know you real well, lawyers and other literal thieves, gold digging members of the opposite sex, and a history of not dealing with millions of dollars and you're in real trouble. And all of this is with one massive purchase of something that all the experts say can only appreciate.
Voice, Mar 01 2024

       I'm not saying that I would handle winning the lottery better than most... I'm just saying none of us will ever be sure until I do.   

       Exactly V. Let me see if I can find that experiment they did with giving a homeless guy a hundred grand. From what I remember this is what happened.   

       1- Picked a homeless guy, gave him a hundred grand.   

       2- Gave him a financial consultant.   

       3- First thing he did was fire the financial consultant.   

       4- Went to bars every night yelling "Drinks are on me!"   

       5- By sheer coincidence, found the love of his life.   

       6- Was broke in a matter of months.   

       7- Unfortunately, the love of his life split for some reason.   

       8- And here's the most interesting part, when asked what went wrong, he said it wasn't his fault, it was all the assholes that took advantage of him.   

       Gotta find that, probably something that should be shown as part of a high school graduating class curriculum on "Grownup Finances 101".   

       Which they purposefully don't teach because they want good little debt slaves to run up six figure debt for a degree in "Lapland Penguin Tap-Dancing".
doctorremulac3, Mar 01 2024

       You might be confusing different "theys" there, [dr3]; there are plenty of bad ideas in educational theory, and there are plenty of bad people in the debt industry, but I've never yet caught them conspiring across that divide.
pertinax, Mar 02 2024

       /I’ve never yet caught them conspiring across that divide.//   

       Have you looked? And there’s a great divide between the product or service offered and the plan for its monetization? It’s central to the program, goods or services offered. Nobody ever started an organization or company then later said “Oops! Forgot how to fund this.”   

       Colleges make a lot of money by putting young people in debt at the beginning of their lives, and that’s not an accidental afterthought.   

       Moot point though, AI will make education free eventually and massive youth debt palaces will be reduced to youth debt summer camps. They’ll still be used to get kids the hell out of the house but the days of some idiot who couldn’t get a real job standing in front of the class with an outrageously horrible haircut and bizarre eyeglass frames blabbing about the subject at 1/200th the efficiency of AI will be over.
doctorremulac3, Mar 02 2024

       So... you're telling me there's a chance...   

       //the plan for its monetization//   

       If you're going to lend money to people, you generally hope that they *will* be able to pay it back, eventually; intentionally making them unable to do so would not be a great business model, because bad debts are bad.   

       Besides, the student loans are not generally offered by the universities themselves, are they? So we're not talking about a single industry, but two distinct industries whose interests are not necessarily aligned.   

       Have I looked? I read various texts on educational theory while my wife was retraining to be a teacher, and my impression of their authors was that they viscerally disliked capitalism. Granted, they didn't say so explicitly in the texts, but there are various proxy terms by which we can draw this inference. Meanwhile, banks and other loan-handling institutions generally love capitalism because, by definition, they're the ones that have the capital. So, no, they're not on the same side.
pertinax, Mar 03 2024

       So the commie teachers virtue signal about socialism while getting paid by one of the most corrupt industries on the planet, the debt enslavement of the youth.   

       Of course they do.   

       When one of those authors declares "I will not take a penny from the youth debt enslavement collegiate / industrial banking complex" tell you what, I'll buy their book.   

       So yes, they are on the same side and yes, colleges do offer student loans. And even if they didn't (which they do) they benefit by getting the money which is the whole point of a student loan.   

       Debt is one aspect of capitalism that can be the most evil, and wouldn't you know it, it's the one aspect of capitalism that the commies in academia embrace because it's the one they benefit from the most.
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2024

       // while getting paid // Are you sure you know who is paying them? Have you looked into this?
pertinax, Mar 04 2024

       Hmm, let me check...   

       The students.   

       Having just spend about 100k on my daughter's degrees this is something I've researched extensively. $100,000 worth. And ohhh boy do the colleges offer you great loan deals! I've told her to never get into debt for anything but a home, save up for everything else. Don't be a free range human on a debt farm. I know sometimes to start a business you need to borrow, I've been there, but you're rolling the dice. Unless you're being crazy and starting businesses like me, remain a free person. The taxman's gonna get enough of you without having some bank or college get the rest. Don't want to be part of the $1.727 trillion debt gulag we created for our young people.   

       Then you can take the other route my boy took and have the Marines put you through college after trading machine gun fire on the front lines for a couple of years. That can get pretty costly though, like, your life.   

       Un-related, I'm just curious, does anybody else here have kids?
doctorremulac3, Mar 05 2024

       // The students. //   

       Apparently not. See links.   

       Now, there are a couple of points to be made here.   

       One is that academic educational theory does not differ widely between different Western countries, despite their very different funding models. This shows that academic educational theory is not driven by the desire to sustain a particular funding model.   

       Another is that the desire to teach and research Lapland Penguin Tap-Dancing (in a broad sense) is much older than the current economic model of higher education. This shows the same thing.   

       Furthermore, as institutions are pushed to rely more on student fees than in the past, they are tending to move gradually away from Lapland Penguin Tap-Dancing (in a broad sense) and towards subjects that *appear* more useful. See the link on Community Colleges in this connection. However, subjects that *appear* to be more useful may not be in practice.   

       Yes, I have children. They've graduated. They're doing fine, thank you very much. I have not had to pay off their student loans for them. Hint: I don't live in America.
pertinax, Mar 05 2024

       [pertinax] have you considered that unassailable debt in the form of tuition payments, which net no job and just leave debt, could just be one of many attacks being currently undertaken to destroy anything considered historically colonial?   

       'cause it sure feels that way...   

       I doubt that lenders care whether you're being historically colonial or not. Why would they?
pertinax, Mar 05 2024

       //destroy anything considered historically colonial// Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Not sure what you are getting at here.
pocmloc, Mar 05 2024

       So Pert, if education is free, where did that 1.7 trillion in student debt go? Where did my hundred grand go? Just because it's being subsidized by other sources as well as the students doesn't mean young people starting their lives in debt is a good idea. It's not. I'm glad your kids didn't have to deal with debt, and it sounds like overall, various disagreements notwithstanding, we're in agreement that student debt is not good.   

       But like I said, the solution is at hand. Education is information and this is the information age. It's time to use the technology to replace the old way of doing things. If somebody wants to pay to sit in a room with some old codger blathering on about the subject at hand, fine, but education should, and will be modernized. The car is here now. It's how we get to where we want to go, but if somebody wants to ride a horse they still can.   

       So what I'd do if I had any say in the matter, I'd build an AI education system specifically geared towards eliminating and destroying this child labor industry, the college debt bank/academia oligarchy.   

       So again, to be clear, colleges DO put kids in debt. That's bad and it has to stop. AI can fix that problem.   

       But again, it's going to, we don't even need to discuss it. It's going to happen. Let me look up my idea to take the stigma out of an AI education. I forgot what I called it but it was a completely free degree program that was more prestigious that anything Harvard, Cambridge or Yale could offer, specifically where only 1% of Harvard graduates would be able to pass the program.   

       So if you had 50 people applying for the job from all the ivy league schools and one walked in with a free diploma from AIU, guess who'd get the job?   

       Let me find that idea and re-post it.
doctorremulac3, Mar 05 2024

       All infrastructure of Western societies are currently under attack from every conceivable angle [poc].
Of course money-lending would be on the menu.

       WW2 never ended, the bombs are just virtual now.   

       You can see as well as I that the hand-baskets are filling quickly, yeah?   

       //if education is free//   

       Come on [dr3], this straw-man stuff is beneath you. You know that's not what I wrote.
pertinax, Mar 07 2024

       //WW2 never ended//   

       So ... nazis are behind student debt?
pertinax, Mar 07 2024

       I'm still trying to work out if colonialism is a Good Thing or a Bad Thing.
pocmloc, Mar 07 2024

       Let me clarify my opinion. Starting your young life $100,000 in debt is bad. AI should be developed to target that bad thing.   

       So if there’s disagreement with that, great, but that’s my assertion, and I’d like to hear problems with that idea, not just as a point of contention, but as a cooperative open source idea where people’s inputs are tried, tested and applied or discarded based on merit. Same as the internet itself.   

       I might not have all the solutions to make that work but if the goal is agreed to by enough people, a couple of million minds focusing on a problem are probably gonna figure it out.
doctorremulac3, Mar 07 2024

       Clarification appreciated.
pertinax, Mar 07 2024

       //So... nazis are behind student debt?//   

       Well they've re-branded to the WEF, but yes.
Was colonialism a good thing?
Good question.
I just know that everything changed the day the Queen died, as though certain agreements died with her. The politicians tasked with maintaining those colonies have been bought off and have opened the floodgates to allow those societies to be democratically outvoted to oblivion by everyone it pissed off during its expansion.
It is war.

       //democratically outvoted to oblivion by everyone it pissed off//   

       Isn't that a good thing?
pocmloc, Mar 07 2024

       Only if you want to live in a third-world shit hole.
Do you think Jihadists will hesitate to use nukes once they've majority voted themselves into power?

       //they've re-branded to the WEF//   

       Well, the original nazis were led by a failed artist who had to go to soup kitchens to survive; I don't think they'd have let him into Davos. So, are you sure they're the same people?
pertinax, Mar 08 2024

       Any group seeking to remove the freedoms of others and force them to adopt that group's policies, be they moral, political or religious, or risk death...
...are nazis, just with a new flavour.
I'm sure the mind-set had several names before the term nazi was ever coined.

       A recurring inferiority-complex-society attaining power for its own sake. The end result is always the same and that mind-set finds itself on the wrong side of history over, and over, and over again just waiting for that one big-score like a gambling addict with a comped room in Vegas.   

       ...and you never answered my question.
Do you think that jihadists once they've majority voted themselves into power will hesitate to launch nukes at all of us infidels should we choose to resist brainwashing?

       <later edit>
Sorry, not a question to you [pertinax]. My bad.

       //Any group seeking to remove the freedoms of others and force them to adopt that group's policies, be they moral, political or religious, or risk death... ...are nazis, just with a new flavour.//   

       Yup. Now you can always choose to become a Libertarian like me. Then all sides hate you.   

       Put up a link for a fascist test. I got 20% fascist meaning I'm not a fascist according to the test. I didn't answer questions that "assumed facts not in evidence" or ones where the question didn't adequately express the situation so that's where my 20% came from. So you can try that or do my one question fascist test:   

       Do you want to leave people alone or control them?   

       And if you start making a list of times that you NEED to control people, you have your answer.   

       So if you say "What if a guy is shooting a machine gun at a crowd?" assuming that means the state should also monitor grandma's private conversations, again, you have your answer.   

       Another great test is this: ask yourself what percentage of the population of your country would you like to see put into internment camps. 10%? 40%? 60%? How many human beings need to be eliminated to get your utopia?   

       Another thing to contemplate is that the next wave of Nazis won't be called Nazis, they'll be rebranded. They won't wear swastikas or hammers and sickles, they'll wear smily faces, unicorns, even rainbows. The Nazi brand has been wrecked, the new fascism will have great new packaging.   

       And you'll own nothing and be happy.   

       Or else.
doctorremulac3, Mar 09 2024

       //Any group seeking [...] or risk death//   

       That's a *very* broad definition of nazi, [2 fries]. For example, let's say there's a state where murderers may face the death penalty (which was pretty much all states everywhere prior to the mid twentieth century). Of that state's government (and voters, if any), you could say "they are trying to impose on others their moral policy against murder, using the threat of death: therefore, they're nazis". I mean, you probably wouldn't say that - but, by the stated definition, you could.   

       But let's suppose that we run with that definition, just to see where it goes; on a cursory search of the public statements of the WEF (admittedly, not a deep study), I have not been able to find any document or speech where they threaten to kill anyone. Feel free to point me to one if you know one.   

       Therefore, even on this *very* broad definition of nazi, where pretty much everyone in history that you've heard of is a nazi, the WEF are still ... not nazis.   

       That doesn't mean I trust them: my understanding is that they're funded by about 1000 large corporations, which suggests that their main priority is to help large corporations make more money - not an intrinsically evil goal, but we can imagine ways it could go wrong. But, again, not nazi.
pertinax, Mar 10 2024

       WEF is evil.
Voice, Mar 10 2024

       Yup with a capital Y.
doctorremulac3, Mar 10 2024

       Unfortunately for them the term 'nazi' has become synonymous with restriction of expression.   

       Real shame that...   

       Go figure...   

       White lives matter.   


       Sue me.   

       OK, so ... when did the WEF stop you from expressing something?
pertinax, Mar 10 2024

       Speech/thought "crime" is real. (link)   

       Although surprisingly, it looks like the WEF isn't officially supporting central leadership censorship, at least not in online articles.   

       But they still want centralized power which is evil. Totalitarianism is bad, mkay? Even if the good guys create a totalitarian system, it'll eventually taken over by bad guys who are free to do whatever is needed to win while moral people are constrained in their struggle to attain power. For instance, a good guy won't threaten to murder an opponent's family, a bad guy will, and an unchecked system will eventually be taken over by the bad guys willing to do whatever it takes.   

       And I don't think anybody wanting all encompassing power over all mankind is good so the above is just a theoretical.   

       Now if the WEF is just gonna be a bunch of billionaires getting together to whine about how much of the world is still unowned by them, fine. Just don't give them any power. Good for the prostitution industries in towns where they have their meetings anyway.
doctorremulac3, Mar 10 2024

       //Just don't give them any power.//   

       What's the famous quote about merchants meeting together being bad for everyone else?
Voice, Mar 10 2024

       I think it's "Merchants meeting together is bad for everyone else."
doctorremulac3, Mar 10 2024

       //Speech/thought "crime" is real.//   

       In your link, I don't see the part where the WEF is doing this. Could you point it out?
pertinax, Mar 10 2024

       Clearly addressed that. Read the post.   

       //Although surprisingly, it looks like the WEF isn't officially supporting central leadership censorship, at least not in online articles.//
doctorremulac3, Mar 10 2024

       //when did the WEF stop you from expressing something? //   

       Well, they didn't stop 'me' now did they?..   

       If you think their hands are not involved in everything since, and including, the Plandemic then you have not been paying close enough attention.
Follow the money.

       Not to be an asshole but...   

       ...maybe just one more booster shot will do the trick.   

       Until then I still have received no answer to my question;
Do, any of you, think that Jihadists will hesitate to use nukes once they've majority voted themselves into power?

       It's a simple yes or no answer.   

       That answer determines our course.   

       //Follow the money//   

       OK, I'm up for that; which money are we following? And, if the WEF didn't silence you, then can you name someone that they did silence, or try to silence?
pertinax, Mar 11 2024

       //Read the post//   

       All right, thank you for the clarification; so, unlike [2 fries], you're not saying that the WEF *are* censoring people, only that it would be bad if they did. I have no quarrel with that position - just so long as we are clear that it's about a hypothetical, not a current reality (so far as we can tell).
pertinax, Mar 11 2024

       I read a couple of posts from them that sounded surprisingly libertarian in regard to freedom of speech, but I don't trust any institution that a) Wants to run everything and b) Says the biggest problem is global warming while espousing the need for total control rather than sound engineering solutions.   

       Here's a test to see if a control monger wants to a) help the environment or b) just be king of the universe.   

       Do you think modern nuclear power plants should replace carbon based power plants?   

       If they say no, use crappy expensive failure prone solar and wind exclusively, I wouldn't put them in charge of a hot dog stand much less the world's economy.
doctorremulac3, Mar 11 2024

       From the WEFFER:   

       //demand management and solutions to manage our carbon footprint.//   

       Mark my words, you will see a day when these assholes are going to start inducing "carbon credit" based blackouts, where the rich can have their mansions burning as much electricity as a city block of worker's houses while the proles are instructed to turn their power off after 8:00 when they should be in bed anyway to reduce their carbon footprint.   

       This isn't about anything but control, they don't give fuck all about the planet. It's a prize to be conquered, nothing else.   

       See link about "carbon credits". It's from a lefty, but one of the sane ones.
doctorremulac3, Mar 11 2024

       From the linked WEFFER:   

       //demand management and solutions to manage our carbon footprint.//   

       Mark my words, you will see a day when these assholes are going to start inducing "carbon credit" based blackouts, where the rich can have their mansions burning as much electricity as a city block of worker's houses while the proles are instructed to turn their power off after 8:00 when they should be in bed anyway to reduce their carbon footprint.   

       This isn't about anything but control, they don't give fuck all about the planet. It's a prize to be conquered, nothing else.   

       See link about "carbon credits". It's from a lefty, but one of the sane ones.
doctorremulac3, Mar 11 2024

       Fuck the WEF. We don't need some lisping dipshit dressed like a cosplaying Darth Vader telling us what to do.   

       If he wants everybody to "own nothing and be happy" let him be the first to demonstrate how great it is and donate all his millions to the poor.   

       But hey, if somebody wants to follow his directives and "eat ze bugs" fine with me. I'll be on the other side of the world eating a hamburger.
doctorremulac3, Mar 12 2024

       Tel us how you really feel.
Voice, Mar 12 2024

       LOL. I feel much better now. Thank you for listening.   

       Let's get back to various innovative custard applications now.   

       That sounded more sexual than it was meant to.
doctorremulac3, Mar 12 2024

       I'll add some background to my criticism of the WEFFERS, I live in Silicon Valley. My dad was a member of the Homebrew Computer Club in Menlo Park that met every Wednesday. He had always told me computers were the future.   

       He tells the story about how a couple of guys brought a home made computer that was going to actually play a song. They programmed it to play "Fool On The Hill" by the Beatles. My dad was a reasonably successful consulting engineer and tells how if he had loaned these guys 30 grand or so we'd be billionaires. Not millionaires, billionaires. Their names were Steve and Steve. I'll let you figure out their last names.   

       Point is, and this has nothing to do with me, it's about where I live, Silicon Valley made the future. This is where the transistor, the personal computer, graphic user interface, mouse, GPS, online search engine, smart phone etc came from. Within a bike ride from me are:   

       Apple, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Xerox (My little league baseball team was sponsored by Xerox and that was our team name. I sucked by the way, having just moved there from the ghetto where they don't play sports.) Ebay, Facebook, Google, Intel, Amazon, Netflix, Fairchild etc. And that's a very very long etcetera.   

       And again, this has nothing to do with me, but this is where the future is invented and it's invented by people from all over the world who come here because it's basically Rome at this point, the center of the high tech world. This is where the future is made and very importantly, it's open source. The minds that come up with the best ideas pave the future. If the idea is stupid, like "Google Glasses" it dies on the vine. If it's a good idea, like the smart phone, it survives.   

       Now compare that to some fucking German idiot who's dad was a Nazi (A real Nazi, not a libtard Nazi which is bullshit label they give to anybody who might disagree with their hive mind nonsense) Here's how he's contributed to the future by Silicon Valley standards:   

       Computer science - Nothing.
Medicine - Nothing.
Engineering - Nothing.
Data tech - Nothing.
Energy - Nothing.
Aerospace - Nothing.

       So when he says "you'll own nothing" he's certainly an expert on that particular subject. Yet he's gonna run the world. If this guy came to Silicon Valley and applied for a job wearing his little Darth Vader costume, they'd say:   

       "What are your qualifications?' He'd say "You vill eat ze bugs and own nuzzing. NU-ZZING!" Right, but have you engineered any high tech systems or innovations? "I vill run ze 4th industrial revolution." "Uh hu. Okay, can you use a mop? We could use a janitor maybe."   

       I think we already gave Germany a shot at running the world, we're gonna try it on our own now, thanks anyway Klaus.
doctorremulac3, Mar 12 2024

       Yea, I don’t do lines. Don’t drink booze either. I’m too boring to be president and I’m not for sale either so, chances of winning about the same as my chances of running.
doctorremulac3, Mar 12 2024

       //which money are we following?//   

       Well there have been many fingers dipping into spontaneously generated pies since the entire planet decided overnight that panic was the path to take as a species.
If you are looking for a single specific to start with, then Canada's Arive-Scam millions are a good place to start looking.

       //And, if the WEF didn't silence you, then can you name someone that they did silence, or try to silence?//   

       Through political influence given the right of enacting Mandates after altering the definition of the word vaccine, they've actively silenced every single dissenting voice previously qualified to speak on the subject.
Every scientist.
Every doctor.
Every nurse.
Every anybody not on board with the predetermined scenario being forced down the throats of every human being on this planet.

       Over night.   

       As crazy as it sounds I think that the WEF is just a symptom of and not the actual root of the cause of instant planet-wide overreaction.
As I've said before, us talking-monkeys just aren't capable of such a rapid coordinated response across disparate cultures even when the disaster isn't massively propagandized, overplayed and man-made.

       So. If it wasn't us talking-monkeys that instigated this shit-fest... then what did?   

       ...and do you think jihadists will hesitate to use nukes against infidels once they attain majority votes and attain power in Western societies?   

       That's what's coming.
Seems a shame not to at least discuss it before it arrives.

       Almost like it is no longer allowed...   

       // Now compare that to some fucking German idiot who's dad was a Nazi (A real Nazi, not a libtard Nazi which is bullshit label they give to anybody who might disagree with their hive mind nonsense) Here's how he's contributed to the future by Silicon Valley standards: //   

       I honest to G*dd**n T*** thought this was referring to Trump, that Doc had had some kind of sexual awakening.
4and20, Mar 13 2024

       //Canada's Arive-Scam millions//   

       All right, I read some articles about that. It seems to be about corruption in government procurement. I followed the money from the Canadian government into the pocket of David Yeo, who is apparently a Canadian government employee with a side-hustle as a contractor to the Canadian government, or vice versa.   

       In the stories I saw on this subject, no-one censored or silenced anyone, and the WEF was neither the giver nor the receiver of any dirty money.   

       So, I followed the money, and it didn't lead where you seem to think it leads. Was that the best one you had?   

       //Every nurse//   

       All right. Suppose, for the sake of argument, there's a nurse who was fired for refusing to be vaccinated. I haven't checked, but I'm confident that such people exist. So, no dispute so far. From this point, though, there are a couple of gaps in the story that this nurse was silenced by the WEF.   

       First, are they actually silent? Last time I went shopping in the city centre, there was a small band of anti-vaxxers marching up and down with signs for hours, and no-one came to drag them away, or shut them up, or anything like that. Most people just ignored them. So, they haven't been silenced. At least, not in the jurisdiction where I live - YMMV.   

       Second, if there is a case of someone actually being silenced, and not just told to keep their potential viral load out of their workplace, is there any evidence that the WEF were doing this, or paying someone to do this?   

       // WEF is just a symptom of and not the actual root of the cause of instant planet-wide overreaction//   

       All right, so if you're no longer saying "It's the WEF doing all this", then I think we're getting closer to agreement. Planet-wide over-reaction to things is a function of technology. Technology means that news travels really fast, and so do false rumours and half-truths. Of course, technology also means that actual viruses travel everywhere really fast, because people do. So, anyone in a responsible position has to make decisions fast. Therefore, those decisions are often wrong.
pertinax, Mar 13 2024

       //I honest to G*dd**n T*** thought this was referring to Trump//   

       I'm curious, please be honest. In not on this forum, at least with yourself.   

       Do you believe people who would vote for Donald Trump should be put in internment camps?   

       Do you believe the government should monitor and shut down media that supports Donald Trump?   

       What percentage of the population do you think should be:   

       1- Put in work camps
2- Put in death camps
3- Not allowed to work
4- Not allowed to communicate

       Do you think the glorious New World Order should wage war across the globe as necessary to bring prosperity and proper behavior to the masses?   

       Do you think MAGA people are subhuman and not entitled to the rights of the high quality people in the group you identify with, and indeed are a plague that needs to be wiped out?   

       And again, be honest, at least with yourself. If you say to yourself "Oh hell yea, I'd love to see all the MAGA supporters rounded up and put in death camps!" maybe have a look at why you're so obsessed with calling your enemies Nazis. Maybe a part of you is telling you something. Maybe you're projecting.   

       I personally would go to war to protect you from being put in an internment camp, and I don't even like you.   

       Let that sink in.
doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024

       Back to the subject, let's see what great leaps forward the EU has brought to humanity. (link)   

       We lowly provincials invent the smart phone, the hive minders say: "We, your overlords and duly appointed rulers decree that hence forth all the subjects shall use one kind of connector brought forth from the unruly provinces. The connector shall be USB-C. For shalt thou not use Lightening connectors, neither shall they use 30 pin connectors, excepting that thou then proceed to use USB-C connectors. Micro USB is RIGHT OUT! Once the USB-C connector is decreed, being the decision of your overlords is reached, then pluggest into thou phones shall the subjects, subordinate to their masters, hence forth pluggeth. And the Lightening cable, shall snuffeth."
doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024

       // I'm curious, please be honest. In not on this forum, at least with yourself. //   

       In all honesty, I think the majority of Americans are approaching subhuman. They think having someone, anyone really excel at economics excuses all the wars and social engineering. Welcome to Germany part II. Living in America appears to be its own form of punishment.   

       I don't want you to go to war for me. That concept is a major part of the problem. As a for instance, I was in protests against both wars in Iraq. Where were you?
4and20, Mar 13 2024

       I thought Iraq 1 was justified, but I bitched about Iraq 2 online. Do I get any credit for that?
Voice, Mar 13 2024


       //In all honesty, I think the majority of Americans are approaching subhuman.//   

       Well, we have our answer then. At least you're honest about it.
doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024

       Iraq 1 was the pointless prelude to Iraq 2, either to "save democracy in Kuwait" or for oil, neither of which was necessary. James Baker was also on record saying that even if Iraq withdrew from Kuwait, the U.S. would still attack.   

       Anyone can do nothing. Monkeys aren't responsible for anything.
4and20, Mar 13 2024

       "they would have done it anyway" does not negate a legitimate reason to do it. "If Ezekiel wasn't on his property threatening his daughter Bob would have gone looking for him anyway, therefore the shooting was illegitimate."
Voice, Mar 13 2024

       So how did that work out for you? It must have been hard volunteering for the war.
4and20, Mar 13 2024

       Careful there, Freud.
Voice, Mar 13 2024

       It's like this [pertinax].
WEF outlines plan to use a coming pandemic to destabilize the infrastructures and currencies of all, but especially western, societies to create dependence on our benevolent elites leading to a scenario of the 99% owning nothing, and being happy with eating bugs in our fifteen minute cities.

       Suddenly this convenient plandemic arrives.
Anyone not on board with lining up for hastily pumped out non-vaccines lose their jobs.
Guns are rounded up.
People get locked in their homes.
Big Pharma makes billions and lines even more politicians pockets.
Western politicians open the floodgates of illegal immigration.
Inflation skyrockets.
The dollar crashes.
An entire generation can suddenly no longer afford housing.
British citizens now suddenly comprise what?, like 37% or so of their own country's population.
Christian preachers arrested in the street for daring to quote the bible.
Sticker maker jailed for two years for "It's okay to be white"
Western cities become a constant, and surprisingly well coordinated and funded, lgtbq, transgender, pro Palestine protest.

       Oh if only 'somebody' could save us and just make all of this badness just go away!...   

       I'm not sure how many other dots need to be connected to see that all of the things outlined in Mr. Schwabs' plan needed an awful lot of money to implement. Politicians and supreme court judges in your pocket are not cheap.
So if not from the coffers of the members of the WEF, (the ones who planned all of this shit), then where do you think the money came from?

       The qualified "scientists, doctors and nurses" who refused the under-tested jab/s were not just silenced, they have still not been allowed back to work for adhering to their Hippocratic Oaths and refusing to subject their patients to what they did not believe to be in their patients best interests.   

       This shit-fest was not spontaneous incompetence, it was a premeditated course of action poorly implemented.   

       But let's give them due credit for mandating which smart phone connectors to use. Not saying that was the greatest accomplishment of civilization, but close.   

       1- Harnessing fire
2- Electricity
3- Mandated standard smart phone connectors
4- Medicine
5- Walking on the Moon

       And interestingly enough, the invention of the smart phone itself is only greatest human achievment number 637. The EU picking their preference of which cord to use for those smartphones is the 3rd greatest acheivement of mankind! I'm impressed!
doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024

       Just in case I'm the only one here who reads it;   

       I am a huge fan of the magazine Scientific American but recent articles seem biased in ways I find quite alarming. The following is directly quoted from their latest issue: "Nevertheless, the U.S. and its carbon spewing counterparts must pursue climate reparations to right the wrongs of carbon pollution and help lower-income nations weather the climate emergency." "But whatever the term, the science is clear on the necessity of these payments." "Because of China's large population, the country's per capita emissions are slightly more than half of those of Australia, Canada or the U.S."   

       This is exactly the reason why people are starting to distrust authority. This is what they've done to science itself. Made it into just another propaganda tool whether factual or not.
It can be used to cancel any argument against any topic.

       You are not allowed to question "the science" as it is dolled out...
...and then you're not allowed to criticize "the science" after the fact using hind-sight because, well, "the science" is always changing y'know.

       Ho-ly-shit! Are you frigging kidding me?   

       So they've revived selling "indulgences" right from the old church scam, "the practical satisfaction that was a part of the sacrament of penance. They were granted on papal authority and made available through accredited agents"   

       So China, the biggest polluting country in the world is free of sin and not to be charged why? Because they'd tell these modern climate popes to go fuck themselves.   

       The woke left really are just brain farmers and their livestock. "Don't ask questions, just be a good debt slave. Hey! Look over there! It's a Trump!"   

       If we fall for this crap we really are too stupid to remain free.   

       Said it before but I want to get credit for being the first to say this. (as far as I know) The word "freedom" will be soft outlawed by the left. It's coming. It'll be declared a "dog whistle" or "trigger word" that'll get you in trouble and targeted for cancellation if you use it. I think I first mentioned it in my Bureau Of Citizen Compliance idea at the beginning of 2020.   

       Mark my words.
doctorremulac3, Mar 13 2024

       <marks words>   

       Thank you.
doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024

       No worries.   

       I hope that some of you mark some of my own words.   

       That'd be good.   

       So... the jihadists in democratic control of nukes question?   


       Does anybody at all dare answer that random question?   

       I think there’d be many sets of 72 virgins being distributed.   

       I’ll mark your words on that.
doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024

       //WEF outlines plan to use a coming pandemic//   

       OK, so where can I see a copy of this plan?   

       //Guns are rounded up//   

       How many guns were rounded up, and where, during the COVID years, compared to other years? The graph in the first link seems to show that gun ownership in the US, at least, has not changed much. Meanwhile the second link seems to show that Canada doesn't know how many guns Canada has, but it's quite a lot.   

       //Western politicians open the floodgates of illegal immigration.//   

       That's a decision that was taken in the 1950s, when it seemed like a good idea, and no-one now knows how to turn off the tap (at least, not without turning evil).   

       //The dollar crashes.//   

       No it doesn't. Have you even glanced at any currency charts?   

       //An entire generation can suddenly no longer afford housing.//   

       That's just normal economics, I'm afraid: some countries (Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand) had a *temporary* holiday from it, thanks to their earlier takeover of a lot of land from hunter-gatherer peoples, but that break was always going to be temporary, and now it seems to be coming to an end. Look up "Law of Rents" and "Law of Wages", if you're curious.   

       //British citizens [...] like 37% or so of their own country's population.//   

       You might want to fact-check that.   

       //Christian preachers arrested in the street for daring to quote the bible. Sticker maker jailed for two years for "It's okay to be white"//   

       Your beef here is with something called "Critical Theory". This is a sort of meme which inherited a very specific intellectual mistake from Marx. It's annoying, but it has nothing to do with the WEF.   

       //Western cities become a constant, and surprisingly well coordinated and funded, lgtbq, transgender, pro Palestine protest.//   

       When you were last in a city, how much protest did you see?   

       To summarize, not only are these dots not connected - most of them are not even real dots.   

       Also, you still haven't addressed the difference between (a) losing your job and (b) being silenced.
pertinax, Mar 14 2024

       So everything's fine, nothing to see here?   

       Well that's a relief.
doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024

       I wonder if there's a market for transplanting those red string conspiracy webs onto random dots of anything.
4and20, Mar 14 2024

       I'd just want to say, the idea that we all have to go in one direction is the thing I don't want to do. If somebody wants to eat ze bugs and own nothing and smile about it like the guy in the video, I am so totally supportive of that, as long as I'm not invited (or dragged into) that party.   

       The symbol for facism is a bunch of sticks (fasces) put together holding a hatchet. The idea is that one stick is weak, but together we're strong.   

       1- That makes for a really shitty axe handle and   

       2- If we're all bundled together like that it's easier to destory us all. One swipe of another bundle of sticks and we all go down together.   

       Maybe what's needed is an anti fascist symbol, all those sticks spread apart with arrowheads instead of a hatchet.   

       "Dispersed we are strong because we're spread apart instead of being bundled into one target and controlled by one hand."   

       Hey, kind of like that idea.   

       Okay, bored. Time to move on.
doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024

       Does everyone remember the English term for a bundle of sticks? Everyone? Everyone?
4and20, Mar 14 2024

       Is that term still allowed?
doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024

       The plan is outlined in Schwabs book The Great Reset.   

       Guns were rounded up everywhere the government was listened to. Look to Australia. The US government is doing its level best to remove their second amendment and Canadians flat out refused to even register their weapons through several amnesties which is why nobody knows how many guns there are here.   

       I'm not talking about the 50's, I'm talking about the illegal immigration just since Covid.   

       The dollar is crashing as we speak and they've put us so far in debt that it may take generations to get out of it.   

       //British citizens [...] like 37% or so of their own country's population.//   

       Woops. That's on me, it was meant to say British Christians.
Keep allowing mass illegal immigration though and you'll catch up to what I wrote.

       // "Critical Theory"... It's annoying, but it has nothing to do with the WEF.//   

       See, I'm not so sure about that. These various protests are extremely well funded. The matching signage and vest contracts must be huge, and don't any of these people have jobs?   

       //When you were last in a city, how much protest did you see?//   

       You don't need to leave your couch to see. [link]   

       //haven't addressed the difference between (a) losing your job and (b) being silenced.//   

       ...and you haven't addressed my Jihadists assuming power question but to answer yours, no dissenting voice was allowed to be heard by the public. No scientists, no doctors, no nurses.
In what reality is that not silenced?

       Maybe I should have been more specific and said; fired and silenced.   

       Regarding 4and20s link "When 2 fries is right"   

       Could it actually be that those globalists have caused the first ever consensus here in the Halfbakery, where we're all in agreement that this is bad? At least on this one thing?   

       If so, I do believe this is a first.   

       I hope we don't start agreeing on everything, that sounds incredibly boring.
doctorremulac3, Mar 14 2024

       C-63 defines "hate speech" as anything which demonstrates detestation "on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination." That is not narrow.   

       I, for example, am quite certain that the current vogue for things lgbtizvmdbaslam is encouraging pedophelia, as demonstrated by their insistence on invading schools (and, btw, opposite sex school toilets) to spread whatever they're spreading.   

       Re: [2 fries] link. [2 fries] is wrong. I don't see any hate in being against carnage. If [2 fries] sees hate speech, so will any number of more unhinged people.
4and20, Mar 15 2024

       If I am unhinged then y'all have no hope.   

       //So everything's fine//   

       Mmmmmno. Plenty of bad things going on. Just not the particular pattern suggested here.
pertinax, Mar 15 2024

       Hate speech laws are great but under utilized and waiting for the haters to slip up is clunky and inefficient, they'll just learn to cover their true intentions.   

       I think by giving every citizen a series of questions they need to fill out, we can determine what's truly in their mind about sanctioned and non sanctioned thoughts. Additionally having all communications from the subject being monitored would allow algorithms to determine who is dangerous to the wellbeing of the planet.   

       Give everybody in the country the test and put the ones who are exposed as non-compliants in carbon minimization pods for the remainder of their lives. Alternately they would be offered one time carbon footprint neutralization via a painless pill or injection. These might be made mandatory as necessary to reduce carbon emissions from the carbon minimization camps.   

       By getting rid of those who hate, we can create the utopia on Earth we are destined to bring forth, save the planet and get humanity back on the correct course.   

       Aaaand... scene.
doctorremulac3, Mar 15 2024

       Some people type so much on the internet, they are almost certain to have subverted a hate speech law.   

       According to this latest Canadian proposal, that can get you up to 5 years in prison. That should give you time to reconsider your position.   

       Whoops, that wasn't targeted at Doc, who is using smarm as an effective rhetorical shield.
4and20, Mar 15 2024

       I gather it was targeted at me.
Unless it gets its shit together my government is welcome to kiss my ass. This newly proposed legislation will soon be gone just like our current Prime Minister.

       It was directed at Doc's last comment, before the sarcasm hit me. I guess I shouldn't ask if you were referring to the Muslim sponsor of the bill in previous comments.
4and20, Mar 15 2024

       I clarified with the "Aaaaaand.... scene" tag.
doctorremulac3, Mar 15 2024


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