Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
non-lame halfbakery tagline

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mrkillboy is an aspiring scriptwriter who allegedly writes really good stuff.

He resides in Perth, Western Australia, which in all directions is several hundred kilometers from anywhere important.

Except the world's biggest musical instrument.

[Jun 26 2000]

(+13, -3)(+13, -3) 80's Cartoon Network
(+2) adjustable polarising sunglasses
 All NEW Power Rangers
(+11, -9) Ban kids at the movies
(+3) Black & White: The Post-Apocalyptic Expansion
(+3, -4) Blair Witch Game Show
(+5, -1) Bottle-Opening Bottlecap
(+2) Bruckheimer Man
 Bucks and Change
(+9, -11) Bumblebee Man
(+1, -3) Chicken Skinz
(+2, -4) Dance Move Subtitles
(+9, -2) Digital Watch Shirt
(+14, -15) Dinosaur Island Tycoon
(+3, -2) Disco Panel
 DVD-ROM Compatible Set Top DVD Player
(+4, -1) DVD2go
(+4, -1) Electronic Air Guitar Simulation Gloves
(+3, -7) Elevator Music While U Wait
 Express Your Love and Gratitude "Big" Day
(+7, -5) Fictional Universe Studies
(+8, -4) FX Boots
(+5) Get Jiggy With It
(+1, -20)(+1, -20)(+1, -20) Halfbakery Background Colors
(+35, -1)(+35, -1)(+35, -1) Halfbakery TV
(+2, -1) Handheld Atari 2600
(+7) Hollywood/Bollywood Movie
(+16)(+16) Interior Bus Number Display
(+29, -2)(+29, -2)(+29, -2) James Bond Opening Title Screensaver
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Kama-Sutra Barbie and Ken
(+22, -1)(+22, -1)(+22, -1) Let's Make A Hoax!
 Lowrider Destruction Derby
 Marathon Karaoke
(+2, -8)(+2, -8) "...Mary" Hair Gel
(+7, -13)(+7, -13) Mattress with Porno Slot
(+14, -5)(+14, -5) Meat Donuts
(+7) Melee: the Game of Kings
(+3, -1) Modern Day Gladiatorial Event
(+3) Mr Peer Pressure
(+17, -8)(+17, -8) Mr. T
(+5) Mr. T versus...
(-2) Musical Cover Switcheroony
(+2, -4) Orbiting Transfer Lounge
(+10, -5) Paranoia Man
(+20, -2)(+20, -2) Pornography Tycoon
(+7, -3) Portable CD Player with MP3 Support
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Product Placement Awards
(+1, -7)(+1, -7) Razor Hat
(+3, -5) Real World Automotive Pod Racer
(+2, -4) Real World Masters of Kombat
(+3, -7) Reflective Car Skin
(+5) Rented Video Review Scanner
(+5, -1) Santa Claus Man
(+22, -1)(+22, -1)(+22, -1) Scary House Guest
(+2, -1) Site B: Trespasser
(+8)(+8) Song Detection with Volume Control
(+13, -7) spinning in their graves .com
(-3) Star Wars: Episode 2 Love Ballad
(+4, -10)(+4, -10) Star Wars: Episode One: The Version I'm Cool With
(+68, -7)(+68, -7)(+68, -7) Superhero and Supervillain Name Registration Office
(+1) Taxi Colors
(+19, -5)(+19, -5) Team Fortress: The Show
(+7, -4) Telekinesis in a Box
(+4, -1) The Ad Gap Channel
(+5, -1) The Atmospheric Jukebox
(+3) The [CC] Music Show
(+8, -1) The John Doe Audio Commentary
(+15)(+15) "The Quickening" Rule
(+6, -1) The Weakest Link: The People's Vote
 They Are What You Eat
(+3, -1) Time Credits
(+3, -2) Trailers: Now Yours to Own
(+1, -2) Train Karaoke
(+3) Triple J Hottest 100 on DVD
(+18, -1)(+18, -1) Virtual Property Destruction
(+3, -2) Wearable Lightshow
(+3, -4) Whacko Jacko Dance Dance Revolution
(+24, -12)(+24, -12) White Roads Stop Global Warming
(+13, -6) Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (X-Treme Version)
(+6, -1) Wire-fu Exercise Kit
(+11)(+11) Wire-Fu Wedding

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