Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Apply directly to forehead.

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Be thankful that I'm not posting news about you.

[May 07 2002, last modified Apr 27 2020]
(+3) Acoustic Self-Monitor
(+8, -1) Agitating Brush
(+5) And miles? to go
(+5) Another Disk In The Wall
(+3) Anticlimbactic
(+6) Appliance Skins
(+3) Backup Smoke
(+19)(+19) Barefoot In the Park Treadmill
(+3) Beach Printer
(+17)(+17) Book Deodorizer
(+2) Breadstick Adapter
(+195, -1)(+195, -1)(+195, -1) bristolz
(+12)(+12) Bullseye Soda
(+7) CamPhone Lens Turret
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Cellph Defense
(+62, -4)(+62, -4)(+62, -4) CFDU
(+18)(+18) Cheap Shot Recreation
(+9)(+9) Chocolooks
(+24)(+24)(+24) csea
(+1) Dance Partner House Cleaning
(+2) Darklight Sleepwake
(+1) Diagnostic Catwalk
(+3) Do-nuts and Bolts
(+1) Drylophone
(+2) Electromechanical Solitaire
(+2) Electronic Personal Trainer
(+18)(+18) Extr-eggs Carton
(+4) Ghost Writer
(+14, -3)(+14, -3) Go signs
(+15)(+15) Gridgriddle
(+8, -1) Harmonic Hammock
(+8, -2) Hot Dog Shapes
(+4, -1) Ice Cream Flag
(+11)(+11) In-wheel shock absorbers
(+7) Jungle Breeze
(+7) Ketchup squeezer-outer
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Keyboard Mint Launcher
(+24, -1)(+24, -1)(+24, -1) Laserfurterator
(+10)(+10) LED Messaging Service
(+13)(+13) Liquid Letters
(+1) Meat Expander
 Morse Code Turn Indicators
(+1) Mowbility Scooter
(+5, -1) Nutrition Receipt
(+7) Outline Projection Device
(+19)(+19) Pedestrian Safety Halo
(+4, -1) Pneumatic battery charger
(+6, -2) Pothole Detection System
(+1) Recording Magnadoodle
(+3) Save Face
(+3) Seat Back Kicker Warning System
(+2, -1) Shock Dogs
 Spin on Oil Pan
 Sprinkler Shakedown
(+1) Sticky Note Conveyor
(+7) Tactile Feedback Shaver
(+3) VacuuMouse
 Virtual Webcam
(+3) Whack-A-Molephone
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Whackentunen
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) What are you, nuts?
(+2, -1) Wireless Microphone Identifier
 Wrinkleless/wrinkle less dryer

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