Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Replace "light" with "sausages" and this may work...

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People just didn't 'get' Invisible Sounds...

[Mar 05 2005, last modified Nov 21 2009]
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Dragon Sausage
(+6, -2) Extra Personal 6th Form Holidays
(+1, -5) Invisible Sounds
(+8, -2) Move Christmas to the Lunar Calender
(+7) New Human Bowling
(+4, -5) New Windscreen Design
(+2, -1) Scanculator
(+6, -2) Special Nostalgia Quiz Episode
(+6) Sport Swaps
(-1) Water Laced with Caffeine

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