
[Aug 23 2000, last modified Jul 08 2015]

Celebrity Gut Biome (+11, -1)
chocolate lard (+12, -11)
Commercial Countdown (+2, -1)
Cross-referencing (+3, -1)
dorsal fin condoms (+9, -3)
Extreme Makeover Survivor (+1)
Fake management-speak (+10, -2)
Flamarama (+8, -1)
Flippable seat backs on planes (+8, -2)
Goofing off (+7, -4)
Grammatically correct Blues singer (+8, -6)
Hidden Straps (+4)
Hinged bread (+6, -2)
Kung Flu (+6, -5)
Luis Bunuel's Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood (+2, -4)
Margaret Thatcher as host of Weakest Link (+3)
Maternity Suit of Armor (+3)
Mental Illness Indicating Clothing (+3, -21)
Mistic tiger (+3)
Moon Theater (+6, -6)
Mystery Science Porno Theater (+35, -1)
Near-acid (+1, -6)
Non-flight simulator (+16, -1)
Novelty Braille Sign (+11, -1)
One Man Band Idol (+4)
perfect hair (+3)
Reggae-grass (+4, -5)
Remote car stereo scrambler (+18, -2)
Replay Window (+7, -3)
Sex scores (+41, -8)
Sister Wendy's History of Rock and Roll (+16, -2)
So Much Depends Upon a Red (TM) wheelbarrow (+2)
Spousal truth coupons (+3, -8)
stapler sound effects (+16, -1)
Supermarket time-saver (+14, -1)
Swiss Army Dildo (+24, -5)
Swiss Swiss Army Knife (+1, -2)
Test Your Kegel Strength (+4)
tiny humans (+15, -7)
Underwear colony (+21, -3)
Urban golf (+11, -5)
Urinal Turbines (+15, -5)
Venisoy (+11, -7)

random, halfbakery