

[Sep 19 2006, last modified Jan 17 2018]

Balloon animal hot dogs (+4)
Disposable razor with shaving foam container (+6)
Ironic Bug Zapper (+10, -1)
"Irrational" compression (+3, -9)
Oven Muffin (+16, -1)
Post-It Toilet Seat (+3, -5)
Remote Boss Button (+5)
Roll of Post-It (+22, -1)
Self-extinguishing Garbage Bins. (+3)
Solar Hullaconveyor Belt (+3)
Speeding Train Brawl (+22)
Sub-Let-O-Vend (+12)
The Free Market Vending Machine (+30)
The Inebriator (+2, -4)
The Salad Compactor (+6, -3)
The Stack (+1, -3)
The Toilet Printer (+8)
Tubular beds (+9)
"Ultrapresso", a reverse osmosis espresso machine (+4)
USB Heatsinks (+5)
Vacuum Floor (+5)
Very Tiny Tankless Heater (+8)

random, halfbakery