
[Jun 06 2016, last modified Jun 15 2022]

Bouncy Mosque (+11)
Christmas Decoration Gun (+6)
Christmas to be declared with onset of snow (+7)
Cloth Staples (+5)
Downloadable Vaping (-1)
Emergency 'alibi' button for porn sites (-2)
Forget-Me-Do (+4)
Hollow wind turbines which store water (+4)
MP's votes weighted by local majority (+7)
Murder at Murder Mystery Weekend (+3)
Neutral Colour Santa Hat (+1)
Pixar movie - Clifton (+3)
Polling booths to look like doorsteps (+1, -2)
Prayer Wheel Fidget Spinner (+3)
Reverse Minstrels (+1)
Speed Camera Photos Can Be Purchased (+12)

random, halfbakery