
[This account was destroyed in a disk crash in October 2004 and has been partially restored from a cached copy. If it is yours, please send e-mail to <> to reclaim it. ]

"Ølaf" cannot possibly be the name of a user on this system. Please pick another.


[Oct 08 2003]

Bottom Opening Ketchup Bottle (0)
Charity Points (+2)
Dutch Windmill Novelty Coffee Grinder (+1)
Improved Ice Cream Chests (0)
Infinity Maze (0)
Millennium Dome Clock (+1)
Monarch's Head Shaped Coins (+2)
Music Sponge (0)
Musical Note Dial-Up (0)
Pseudorhyme Poetry (0)
Queue Ride (+6)
Spiral Cut Pizza (+1)
Subaquay (+4, -1)
Sunfloweresque Park Bench (0)
Systombolaget (0)
The Seventh Seal Clock (+1)
Unwanted-Guest Eating Sofa (0)
Variable Pronouns (+1)
Viking Ships of the Desert (-1)

random, halfbakery