It is a very simple virus. It spreads around dilly dallying.
However one day it stumbles across a sourcecode for something important. It often ignores it, but then one day, this bored virus decided to do one little modification to it.
It adds a single line to the code.
#define TRUE (rand() % 100)-- mofosyne, Jun 02 2012 source of this idea http://www.reddit.c...ost_control/c4v27rb [mofosyne, Jun 02 2012] On defining division by Zero little fable I wrote a while back. Can you identify the error? [Vernon, Jun 02 2012] Here's a +1 for you - hey, where'd it go??!-- oscil8, Jun 02 2012 There used to be a little utility written for the Idris (tiny UNIX) OS called 'PackRat' which did something very similar to this. It could be set to "nibble" at a user's code, making subtle changes like substituting = for ==, or rearranging the order of lines or function calls so once-working ad debugged code would suddenly "go wrong". Guaranteed to cause long hours of overtime, sleep loss, paranoia and eventual nervous breakdown.
Oh, how we laughed -- 8th of 7, Jun 02 2012 random, halfbakery