Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Look, I'm back and superficially improved!

[This account was destroyed in a disk crash in October 2004 and has been partially restored from a cached copy. Remote Controlled Dog Poo remains the best invention this account ever created, if that tells you anything. The account owner expresses his sincere apologies to Jutta and the 'Bakery at large.]

[Apr 22 2004, last modified Apr 08 2009]

(+5, -1) Anti-Disillusion Mints
(+6, -2) Argument Referees
(+4, -3) BabySphere
(+3, -5) Bakery You're the Devil
(+1) DisgustoWallet
(+4, -3) Dukes of Hazzard Reality Series
(+1) Fill-Er-Up Pot Filler
(-2) Halfbakery Appliance
(+5) Helium Marionettes
(+3, -7) Internal Briefs
(+1, -9)(+1, -9) Magnet Express Tunnel
(+2, -1) MotoSpinners
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Nipple Guards
 Pocket Sawzall
(+7) Punchline!
(+14, -5)(+14, -5) Punderbra
 Rack Pack
(+5, -1) Remote Controlled Dog Poo
(+1) Sectional Tailgate Ramp
(+2) Sensor Suit
 Silly Flag
(+2) Take-Out Poker

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