Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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[May 14 2001]
(+3) Aerosol wetsuit
(+1, -2) column widths
(+7) daylight fireworks
(+3, -1) Dog poo cleanup
(+3, -1) Electric aeroplanes
(+16, -9) microhydroelectric turbines
(+4, -2) Multi-channel TV show
(+8, -1) Non-boiling kettle
(+5) non-porous tile grout
(+1) public-key velcro
 Quake 3 porn
(+10, -8) simultaneous vote & annotate
(-2) smart casing
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) tamper-evident car
(+1) Tinned Hamsters

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