Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Invented by someone French.

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Wanna be porn king suffering with religious complications realted to going into porn and who blames his porn pimping on a really f***ed car accident when he was 10 and got drenched in his dad's blood cuz his dad was hit in the head with the other guys fender and who had to support his damn alcoholic mom after college instead of investing in his 401k plan who had a series of REALLY unfortunate problems with work starting with quitting because of being turned down for a position he wanted then moving to fucking florida then qutting there because he wanted to go back to school and get out of the network administration business who then ended up realizig, "Oh crap!" I can't afford to go back to school, maybe I'll file bankruptcy who then ended up being sexually harassed at work by the gay guy which then made everyone in the office think he was gay (he isn't and doesn't photograph gay porn) which then led him to bitch about the sexual harassment looking for another job which just didn't come about because of the crap economy during the second gulf war / maybe the next WWIII.

That should cover me. That's only 2% of my screwed up life that you just wouldn't believe.

[Apr 04 2003]

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