Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
The phrase 'crumpled heap' comes to mind.

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Hey there. My name is Andrea Guganhymen. I live in Missouri (I’m not telling you what city because then you might stalk me.) I'm a punk rocker chick and I don’t take any crap from anyone, I dish it out like candy. I don't have any idea who's going to look at this, but if you are looking at this, you should know that I'm not the type person that you would just run into in the supermarket. If I could get anything I wanted on this earth, I would most like to own a small island off the coast of Costa Rica and build a city especially made for Chimpanzees and teach them to have a community like humans do. I know this might seam like a Utopia to outsiders, but people who are close to me agree and if I could just get federal funding, it would all work. I know it would. This Utopia IS possable. I think Shout outs are lame as hell so don't take this the wrong way, but I want to dedicate this user info page to my dear friend Erik who's drunken behavior and hammer skills have landed him in a cult-like rehab in the dessert of California. I love you Erik and I hope you return home soon! May you never be hated by Tonya Harding and never be loved by Lorena Bobbitt. One more thing. If I were straight I'd marry Jim Traficant.

[Aug 09 2002, last modified Aug 10 2002]

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