Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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[Aug 23 2002]
(+9, -21)(+9, -21)(+9, -21) Earth in a bubble
(+1, -3) FairShare anti-piracy
(+4) Faster Light Rail
(+6, -5) Ionic Wind Power
(-1) Mars_Bikes
(+1) Mem Protect Pill
(+10, -3) Negative Bus Fare
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) No Red Plants, No Dinos
(+3, -2) polar_beanie
 Solar rocket
(+3, -2) Solid State Solar Tracker
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Space Tent
(+4, -1) Two-Ball Sports

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