Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Cogito, ergo sumthin'

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Bookworm to an extent. If it has something to do with sci-fi, immortality, time-travel, or horror, I'm reading it. Anyway, cryonics isn't exactly time travel, but it does seem to be a very weak, but feesable ticket for one to make a pit stop for say...a few hundred years, then wake up and learn how the world has changed. I'm a white male, pushing 30 in June, 2001. Although my math is weak, my sciences are strong, so I have the advantage of actually getting a grasp on some of this stuff, and constantly wracking my brain, trying to figure out how this could, or why it will not work.

[Mar 17 2001]

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