

This remains as a reminder--lest you again take yourselves too seriously.

<sarcasm> I hate it when newbies come in here with different ideas and upset my precious preconceived notions of what is proper. My indignant self-righteousness just boils over. </sarcasm>

What amazes me is that people froth so over a harmless bit of fluff. Are you upset that you wasted time with my idea rather than wasting it upon another. If this website/community/den of vipers is meant to change the world, then, in the immortal words of Steve Martin, "EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME!"

At first I thought this was a fun, entertaining place. Now I know better. Thank you so much [UnaBubba]; I will cease to disturb any more of your hackles.

BTW, "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberry."

"The sun is not yellow--it's chicken." --Bob Dylan

[Nov 01 2001]

Band Initial Stickers (+1, -5)
Celebrity Name Tag (+4, -3)
Mr. Robot O's (+8, -3)
Underwear Fairy (+13, -6)

random, halfbakery