
email me at gmail.com (same user name)

I have illustrated some of my ideas at: http://xaviergisz.imgur.com/

If you want one of your ideas illustrated, please email me (I'd prefer if you hosted the images on your own website). Note: my illustrations will convey the idea, but without any aesthetic quality.

chronological listing of my ideas: http://www.halfbakery.com/view/chronological

favourite idea: modular neural network

cut and paste these to make your idea more readable:

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ¡ ¢ £ € ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¯ ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » Œ œ Ÿ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Í Ì Î Ï Ð Ñ Ó Ò Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ú Ù Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ Œ œ Š š Ÿ Ž ž ƒˆ˜ – —‘ ’ ‚“ ” „† ‡ •…‰ ‹ ›€™

[Jul 17 2004, last modified Jan 30 2019]

10pm, lights out (+5, -4)
3D minesweeper (+2)
3D tesselation tiling (+2)
AC power storage (-1)
advertise halfbakery (-9)
angle dependent reflective window (+1)
angle dependent sunshade (+3)
anti-reflective coating (+4)
array of rotating magnets (+3)
automated chemistry lab (+4, -1)
balancing toy (+7, -1)
battery backpack for electric skateboard (+2)
bicycle with speed governor (+4, -1)
bike hub with two motors (+5, -1)
Bubbly beverage display (+6)
buoyant flywheel (+5)
"Catch a thief" app (+6, -1)
Chain matrix (+5, -2)
Chiral spectroscopic signature to find extra-terrestrial life (+4)
coil reinforced tire (+6, -2)
Colour box video compression (+1)
concealed door hinge (+9)
coral lampshade (0)
Critical temperature programmable logic (+4, -1)
Daily IQ test (+2, -5)
dead-man-switch sign-in (-1)
Democratising halfbakery (+4, -23)
designing amorphous metal alloys (+6)
Diffraction mask for semiconductor manufacture (-1)
door lock with key guide (+3)
double glazing with convection damping (+3, -1)
Dry Floor (0)
Easy clothes dryer (+3, -3)
Easy Electronics (0)
electrostatic flywheel (+1)
Eliminating patent examination (+10, -1)
EM radiation as crystal catalyst (+3)
Escrow app (+11)
Essay peer-assessment (+1, -3)
expanding material (+10)
fibre optic and lens cloaking (0)
filamentary spokes wheel (+2, -2)
flat CV joint (+1)
flexible chainmail (+3)
floating plant pot (+5)
fluid time lapse (+6)
flush screw head (+7, -5)
flywheel between 2 CVTs (+10)
Game addiction cure (+3, -3)
garden waste pyrolysis (+1)
gardening with fungal symbiots (+4)
gear head screw (+5)
Gears with roller bearings (+1)
Glider transport system (+8)
glowing eave icicles (+3)
gross income tax (0)
Ground effect vehicle city (+3, -1)
groundless electricity (+3, -12)
Gun aim correction (+4, -3)
gyroscope for skating control (+1)
Gyroscope without gimbals (+3, -1)
Half-business-plan-ery (+3)
Halfbakery Lunch - Australia (+5)
helical fireworks (+15)
Helical knitting (+4)
history of halfbakery (+6, -1)
Hot flocking Luneburg lens (+2)
Hula hoop polyhedron (+9)
hydrogen peroxide oxygen supply (-1)
hypnotic movie (-2)
Ideas marketplace (+3, -7)
image that changes with viewing angle (+7)
Immersion blender shroud (+5, -1)
In-mobile-phone voice mail (0)
in-your-league dating site (+6, -5)
inclined rim glass (+4, -1)
ingredient density (+3, -2)
ion-implantation graffiti (+2, -2)
Jacob's ladder plate armour (+8)
Laminar flow window film (+7)
late inventions (+6, -1)
Layered prototyping (+8)
Luneburg map (+7)
Luneburg microlens array (+5)
magnetic separator (+5, -1)
magnetically activated pills (+2)
magnifying spherical shell (+2)
method of making chain mail (+2)
Method of making Luneburg microlenses (+2)
microbubble aerosol (+10)
Millikan’s Mist (+28, -1)
mirror lever (+2)
Mist Rainmaker (+3, -1)
Modular neural network (+7, -2)
Moire animation sculpture (+8)
mulch the desert (+5, -1)
nested bin liner (+15, -1)
no junk mail stickers for all (+9, -6)
non-stop traffic (+3, -1)
Notes on Modular Neural Networks (+1, -1)
one-way-ish window (+4)
one-way privacy window (+2)
One-way speed bump (+2, -1)
optimal present wrapping program (+9)
overlapping tiling (+4, -1)
Philosophy of commonality (+3, -3)
Photoelectric electrostatic separation (+6)
piezoelectric display (+1)
piezoelectric display II (0)
polyhedral sections (+2, -2)
pop-up kitchen appliances (+7)
post letters from your own letter box (+5, -1)
prefab dome home (+3, -2)
pressure sensitive surface (+4)
prisoner's dilemma card game (+5)
Problem solving transform (+3)
projection display media (+5)
pulley car transport (+3, -2)
radiative cooled water condenser (+5)
Random activity club (+8)
Recognising artificial intelligence (+5, -4)
recommended gear cycle computer (+1, -1)
remote vehicle detector traffic lights (+6)
remove-the-background video effect (+5)
repelling magnet toy (+4)
Resilient shell sphere (+10)
Reuleaux lawnmower (+10)
ring flywheel (+3, -3)
ring flywheel 2 (+4)
ring flywheel gimbal (+4, -2)
Safe fan (+6, -1)
scenic lookout 'augmented reality' (+5)
Sculptural graffiti (+4, -1)
shopping mall internet terminal art (+1)
Single term politicians (+1, -3)
single wire electricity transmission (0)
Sliced cube data compression (+2, -4)
Sound absorbing ceiling (+1)
spear sphere (+3)
spray til empty (+5, -1)
spring ball (+5, -1)
Square helix (+5)
Stable Table (+5, -1)
Stapler with fangs (+2)
star options (+1, -4)
sticky ball (+2)
sticky-side-out sticky tape (+6)
stuck-on-screen stylus (+4, -6)
sun tracker (+4, -1)
supercritical microbubbles (+5)
surface connectors (+2)
Switchable reflectivity car window (+3)
syphon piston (+4)
taxi-bus (+1)
The Bilinski Dodecahedron is a Space-Filling (Tessellating) Polyhedron (+5)
Tron light-cycle light trail (+4)
Turn garbage into charcoal (+4)
Upconverting window (+5)
Vacuum cleaner exhaust scrubber (+1)
Variable diffraction display (+2, -1)
variable thermal conductivity building material (+7)
whipper-mower hybrid (+4)
wireless power lawnmower (+2)

random, halfbakery