biologist (and recovering urban dilettante), Chicago IL, USA
[Jun 29 2003, last modified Jun 04 2003]
Baseball rule change: Free Pass (FP) instead of IBB
(+1, -4)
chameleon salt
dental floss cornsilk
eceip tra teerts
Eye pictograms on British kerbs
'Fair market value' assessor escrow
Fan participation orchestral tuning
GPS+gyro gazetteer glasses
Hiccup intervalometer
(+2, -1)
Horror infrasoundtrack
Image plane digital (non-film) autofocus
imaginary fundraising (the 'iOU' pyramid)
(+2, -2)
Jello electrophoresis fun!
Many-team ballgame
minimalist C/F thermometer
motel Darwin
new car fuel precharge
parrot shrink
Personal trolley cable hitch
pet dream videos
public cellphone dummies
(+1, -1)
Reuleaux rover rollers
Robot scout bee
Schwarzschild radius warning labels
Simon converted to DNA sequence entry device
Very low-altitude Terraserver
zero sum voyeur housing