
Graphics designer, part time tinkerer, game designer, illustrater and fiction writer, and some other stuff too.

Ideas don't exist until they are shared. The halfbakery is a good place to make an idea real...I hope you enjoy my raw croissants. Eh heheh! Pass zee butter!

IDEAS IN PROGRESS: Smokers Cowl; Anti-smoking cigs (anabuse laced); Experimental City; Rapturegram; Bumper Car Theatre Seating; Personal Padded Cell (freestyle and baggy versions); Medieval-Look Trampoline Tent; Topkick Vehicle; Free-Range House (classy version of "Indestructible Mobile Homes"); Bed-Ball; Spray-On Moss Lawn (alt. to "No Mow"); Portable House (sim-"Porta-Walls");


[Apr 18 2006, last modified May 09 2006]

Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy Bomb (+13, -1)
Lovecraft Theme Park (+10)
Salad Days Yard (+11)
Whoopee-Suit (+12)

random, halfbakery